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A Wonderful Extraction
Morning Glory & Alcohol
by Del
Citation:   Del. "A Wonderful Extraction: An Experience with Morning Glory & Alcohol (exp58861)". Jun 10, 2007.

6.0 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  2 oz oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
After experimenting with Morning Glory extracts for sometime now, I finally made a batch this past weekend that was extremely pure and psychedelic. I started with the untreated Pearly Gates variety from an internet supplier and ground them with a coffee grinder. Not happy with the consistency of the grind, I've since purchased a burr grinder but haven't had the chance to try it yet. Anyway, I mixed the grind with Everclear (about 3 grams to 1 ounce ratio), sealed the container, and stored it in the refrigerator for what ended-up being several months. Not sure how the length of time may have affected the process, I was just waiting for the right time to trip :)

When that time came, I shook up the mixture for a few minutes and then strained it through a gold mesh coffee filter twice. The resulting morning glory liquor was very pure in that there was little to no seed residue remaining. I then measured out 2 ounces and mixed it with enough grapefruit juice to make it palitable.

Before I even finished the drink, within minutes, I was feeling quite 'electric'. The peak occurred a couple of hours later and included some amazing closed-eye, mind-morphing visuals. There was no significant nausia, only waves of bliss that kept me laughing most of the time. When my stomach did tighten-up a bit in the beginning, smoking pot was the perfect remedy.

The night's entertainment consisted of several songs from the George Harrison Tribute concert, the 1st Woodstock DVD, and then part of Saturday Night Live before I got tired and fell asleep about 5 hours after drinking the concoction. It was the first Morning Glory trip I've had that didn't make me feel sick in some way and I attribute that to the extraction process I used. Happy trails!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 58861
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2007Views: 7,298
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Morning Glory (38) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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