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Total Effects Longer Than Expected
Citation:   Ally420. "Total Effects Longer Than Expected: An Experience with 3C-P, MDMA & MiPT (exp58881)". Jan 19, 2007.

10 mg oral 3C-P (capsule)
  100 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  20 mg oral MIPT (capsule)
    oral Vitamins / Supplements  
    oral Coffee  
Yesterday was a rare snow day where I live and I rather like the snow. I had planned to spend the day working in my garden but the snow required a change of plans.

At 7:30 am all 3 gels were downed with morning coffee and vitamins. For the past 2 weeks 5htp was taken with the vitamins but it was skipped that day.

By about 8:20 I was dressed and heading out the door, camera in hand. The effects were mild but evident already. The next 2 hours were happily spent tromping around in the snow taking pix of my garden and other areas around where I live while they were covered in snow.

When I got back home at about 10:30 am I had started to roll pretty well. Very mild visuals, pleasant response to base and rhythm, good mood, not too tense, a decent amount of mind expansion and thought generation. I expected that within 2-3 hours from this point I would be returning to baseline more or less minus some somatic residuals. After all MiPT on its own is usually mild and mostly over by about 6 hours. The same could also be said for 100mg pure molly. The dose of 3C-P was 20%-25% that of what it takes to have much of an experience with 3C-P alone (in my experience).

On its own, 3C-P is suppose to last 2-10 hours longer than the other 2 substances (possibly more). My one experience with a full on 3C-P experience on its own lasted an annoyingly long time and I spent the whole day feeling like any minute now I would actually have a psychedelic experience but it never came. Only an amped fuzziness to everything, like it wouldn't sit still.

Anyway back to the main point. By T=6hr I was still experiencing pretty strong activity visually, physically, and mentally. Possibly even more so than I had been at T=3hr. It was quite pleasant. Not too long after this point the jaw and other muscle tension started to kick in. La sigh, it's an issue with both MiPT and molly. Over all tho it was relatively smooth ride.

The total visual effects remained until T=9-9.5hr or about 5pm. Strong residual effects were present until about T=15.5-16hr or around midnight. I did not actually get to sleep until 3am and had to make myself go to bed. Hehehe. :D Over all it was a good day but it definitely increase my respect for the synergistic power 3C-P can have with other substances.

I'm not saying it can't be mixed to good effect but I would start low, try to keep in mind it has a long effect profile and might take more time to kick in than expected.

P.S., I feel good today. Yesterday helped me sort out some stress. :)

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 58881
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2007Views: 23,464
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MDMA (3), MIPT (251), 3C-P (320) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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