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Ancient Red Rock History
Red Rock Opium
Citation:   speepy. "Ancient Red Rock History: An Experience with Red Rock Opium (exp5912)". Mar 28, 2001.

  smoked Red Rock (powder / crystals)
After reading the relatively new accounts of this 'fake opium' Red Rock, I've determined that it has been around for quite some time. In 1982, a friend(?) brought over several ounces of this hard, dark red, fruity smelling/tasting substance. He called it 'Red Opium' The preferred method of ingestion, by his account, was the hot spoon meltdown. I tried this substance mixed with bad pot, good pot, no pot, gold hashish, and found it to be, at best, mildly like an opiate high, in that it seemed to produce a sort of relaxed, drowsy but jovial state.

Sort of a weak oxycodone buzz. Hmmm..could this have been simply mild oxygen deprivation from inhaling very dense smoke? In any case, I personally smoked A LOT of this stuff with no ill effects. I do remember once wondering if the stuff was really some sort of reconstituted urinal cake. I hope not.

Exp Year: 1982ExpID: 5912
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2001Views: 15,652
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Red Rock (156) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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