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Visuals courtesy of Holland
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Candleghost. "Visuals courtesy of Holland: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp6002)". Apr 11, 2001.

150 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
This is brief. I bought 2 packages of Burpee brand Heavenly Blues seeds from Walmart and must confess, this is a good buzz. A very good buzz. I only took 2 packages, which is around 150 seeds. This produces a very smooth, mellow, slightly trippy reaction. All of the negative experiences I have read on this board come from people who took way too many (3000? come on!) or mixed their seeds with other drugs. Stupid.

Yes, there is a little nausea at first. But nothing to flip out over. But I didn't chew up 3,000 seeds either, so I can't vouch for those folks.

Overrall, like really righteous cannabis accompanied by very mild auditory/visual hallucinations. But only take 100 to 150 max for the first time. You will get a very nice buzz.

And to everyone bitching about the cost, stating acid is still 2 bucks a hit while the seeds are around .94 cents a pack. Might I remind everyone, acid is illegal. This is not.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6002
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 11, 2001Views: 12,304
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Morning Glory (38) : Unknown Context (20), General (1)

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