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Warp Five, Mr.Spock
by Kirk
Citation:   Kirk. "Warp Five, Mr.Spock: An Experience with Piracetam (exp60194)". Erowid.org. Jul 19, 2007. erowid.org/exp/60194

9600 mg oral Piracetam (capsule)
This is an initial report on an 'attack dose' of pharmaceutical grade Piracetam. Two weeks previous I had started back on a DMAE regimen (4 250mg bitartrate daily). I also maintain a restricted carbohydrate diet with no sugar intake, and as Piracetam supposedly potentiates glucose levels, this was a curious situation.

6:00pm(ish): Ingested 12 800mg capsules, on a semi-empty stomach.
7:30pm: Slight bodyload. Pressure and warmpth felt.
8:00pm: Vision and color acuity slightly sharpened.
10:00pm: Nootropic effects present, mood overstability, undistracted, heightened attention span.
12:00pm: I lay down. Oddly, though, despite being very mentally awake, I feel very physically willing to rest.

Piracetam's inital effects seem to have three basic characteristics:

- Mood nulling. The 'Mr.Spock' effect. This is actually a very curiously amusing effect, it is also one of the most noticeable. Informal emotional involvement, including music and sex, seems ancillary, distracting, and uninteresting.

- Logical and associative thinking. Organizational, procedural, and logical tasks seem as blocks to be readily fit into respective places.

- Logos. This is a clear nootropic effect. The symmetry of objects take on an 'interesting' appearence, however without any emotional or abstractual gravity.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60194
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 19, 2007Views: 34,583
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