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Taken by Surprise
by Rahu
Citation:   Rahu. "Taken by Surprise: An Experience with LSD (exp60233)". Jul 13, 2018.

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A friday in september of 2003, me and my friend, R, decided to drop some acid. We got a hold of 4 hits of blotter acid and headed for the hills.

We each started of dropping one hit.

The weather was beautiful and the temperature was comfortable. (Being a norwegian living on the west-coast, this is not always the case, so we learn to appreciate the few days we get.)

We were fooling around the mountainside enjoying the woods, waiting for the effects. Nothing apart from the familiar tingling and some mild giggling. This lead me to believe that the hits we had got, where low in quality. This was not the case.

As we decided to take to the top of the hill, a thick fog came upon us. We figured that even though we were not off our heads, we decided to go back down. (It is very easy to get lost in these hills, being covered with quite dense forrest.)

It was now about an hour and a half into the first hit. (T+1.5h) We figured it was about time to drop the last hit, feeling it safe based on the first one.

When we got back into town we went back to Rīs house, dropped the last two hits and sat on his porch for a while. We were still feeling a slight tingle from the first hit, but we were both hungry for a slightly more profound experience. Suddenly R points out that we had nothing to smoke later on, so we headed over to a contact of his, to buy some hash. When we got there we told him (Rīs contact) that we had dropped acid, just to clarify, in case the second hit should be stronger than the first, and we would start to act weird.

It was now T1+2.5h, T2+1h.

We were sitting in the apartment of this friendly couple smoking some bongs and just having a nice time. We had both nearly forgotten about the second hit.

It struck me hard! I was suddenly overwhelmed with strong visuals. I informed R about it and that I thought it be best if we got going. He agreed and the host couple totally understood. I did not want to lose control in the home of strangers, no matter how friendly they were.

We got out on the street and headed for Rīs house. I could feel the acid really coming on in strong waves. I was new in town and not so familiar with the part of town my friend lived. I explained to him that I had no idea where we were. He assured me that we were on the right way.

By this stage I was experiencing total confusion and I relied on my friend to get me to 'safety'. Even though it is only a 3 minute walk, it felt like forever. I was getting more and more paranoid, not able to shake the sinister feeling that R was not what he seemed. We were pacing along. R was probably a bit stressed to get me back to the apartment, so that we could lay back and let the acid have its way with us.


At this point I lost all confidence in R.

This happened as we came to a playground that was just about 100m away from his apartment! This place looked so alien and when I looked at R he looked more like a joker, with evil intentions. His eyes were completely black and his smile was pure evil. The paranoia caused my confused mind to 'shut down'. Everything turned white and I can still remember shaking my fist at the sky demanding answers as to what the HELL was going on. R was still trying to pull my arm and get me to safety. A this point that was completely impossible, as I was convinced he had evil intentions.

From here on I must have been wandering around. I can recall moments of clarity, when I could navigate. Identifying a sign for a bakery which I headed for. It was only about 50m away, but it felt like an eternity. I felt like I was trapped in a loop and that I had been striding the same block for ever. I could not tell if I was alive or if I had gone to hell, and it being a state of eternal repetition.

After this I can not recall anything but short glimpses of my way home.

I came to in the middle of the night, having been rolling around my bed for a few hours. I felt really bad about abandoning R and got in touch with him. He had been really worried about me. We sat down smoking some joints talking about what we had experienced. He had not been tripping as hard as I, but me flipping out and he worrying about me probably ruined his trip.

I think that if we had just gotten back home before the big wave hit, it would have been an awesome trip.

For me this experience made it clear how important it is to be in a 'safe' area. Most of the times Iīve dropped acid it did not matter where I was. Being in control of my self. But some times the stuff really hits and its important to have a retreat/safehouse.

Even though it was a rough trip, those are probably the most educational and I would not change it for anything.

Did I mention it was on friday the 13th?

Keep humble, keep dreaming, keep loving!

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 60233
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 13, 2018Views: 869
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LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Various (28)

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