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The Unending Depth of Reality
Citation:   The Cosmic Surfer. "The Unending Depth of Reality: An Experience with Cannabis (exp60409)". Sep 18, 2019.

  vaporized Cannabis (plant material)
Let me begin by giving you a history of my experience with drugs, as to try and give you an idea as to just how amazing this latest marijuana experience has been.

The first mind-altering substance I ever used was Marijuana, which I have used on countless occasions. After that I used shrooms, salvia, vicodin, caffeine, DXM, ambien, even Benedryl, and I have had some amazing trips, particularly with salvia. So when I tell you that this stuff totally blew me away, you should understand the extent of my psychedelic knowledge and experience.

About 12 weeks back, I was caught using marijuana at school (yes, pretty stupid of me, I wouldn’t advise it) and since then I hadn’t been able to get a hold of any weed. So the other day, one of the people that was smoking with me when I got caught was just recently allowed to return to school. I gave him the money, he got me an eighth, nothing unusual. I asked him what kind of weed it was and he said it was one of those hybrid purple strains, which I have never found to be really powerful, but I was definitely wrong here.

I took the stuff home, cleaned out a light-bulb, vaporized 3 small nugs (which is a very small dose for me) and then hopped in the shower. I find that the warmth and comfort of the shower really intensifies my come-up and really makes for a smooth, long-lasting plateau, so I almost always smoke with a shower. Almost immediately, I noticed that there was something strange about this stuff. I felt literally no euphoria or mood lift…none at all. So at first I’m just sitting here thinking to my self “what the hell? Is this shit sprayed or something?” but before I could get too concerned, I was thrown into a total visionary state and I forgot where I was. I sat there with my eyes closed, watching intricate patterns and vivid scenes with remarkable detail and lucidity. These were three dimensional scenes of such color and clarity, that if it weren’t for all the noise in the shower, I would have seriously thought I was actually in these other places. In retrospect the whole “trip” was across between using ambien (marked confusion) and shrooms (the closed-eyed visuals and visual distortions). Finally, after an eternity sitting in the shower, I managed to get out of there and get back to my room.

Here I experienced more of these “situations”, minus the closed eye visuals. Essentially, whatever I imagined seemingly came to life and I could fool my body into believing that these things were actually happening. I imagined all kinds of strange things: having sex with one of my teachers, who I don’t actually find very attractive, surfing, laughing and the sand and spray of the ocean, all of which I believed to be really happening. The only thing that kept bothering me was that, whenever I asked myself “am I dreaming?” my eyes would focus and I would be in my room again, like nothing had happened. If I can get this to happen again, I’m going to work on smoothing these transitions as to try and keep myself in this visionary state longer.

After what seemed like an hour or two, I realized that only about 30 minutes had passed since I got in the shower. I have never experienced time dilation in this fashion, except on salvia, where you really are “in there” for years at a time. The fact that this was so powerful almost frightened me, and I became somewhat anxious, which is also totally abnormal for me. I decided to take this moment of calm to start a meditation ritual, before I was plunged back into my uncontrollable fantasies. I find that meditation always helps me retain control and maintain my mentality when I use drugs, and luckily, this experience wasn’t an exception. I began a dreamlike journey into a much deeper universe than I have ever known before, and I found myself delving into the unending depth of reality, where I wandered and tried to find meaning for quite some time. Of course, I began to realize that time really had no meaning here and that all physical restrictions no longer applied to me. After about 40 minutes of this meditation, I came out of it feeling very hungry. I had eaten an hour or two before, but I’m no stranger to the munchies, so I went downstairs and ate some cheese cake for desert. The cheese cake was absolutely delicious, and I felt as if I was ready to orgasm (which I’m glad to say I didn’t, because my parents weren’t far away.

After that, I went about my “normal” activities. I listened to music, talked to my friends and played some video games, still marveling at the intensity of the experience. I would say that this has been one of the most spiritual experiences of my life, one which I will not be forgetting any time soon. I feel as if I must let everyone know about this experience, simply because no one really seems to understand the true power of marijuana. Sure it’s a great social drug, easy to use with no real effort necessary, but people need to know that it can be a very powerful substance, not to be used so lightly. I just hope that this can help you reach for a higher place next time you decide to take a hit.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60409
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 641
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Cannabis (1) : Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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