A Blissful Rush
Citation:   Younger Cole. "A Blissful Rush: An Experience with Kratom (exp60574)". Erowid.org. Mar 4, 2007. erowid.org/exp/60574

7.0 g oral Kratom (powder / crystals)
First some background. I am a 32 year old male with a steady history of drug and alcohol use. Starting with Cannabis and Alcohol, then Cocaine, MDMA, Pain killers of all varieties, Amphetamines, Heroin, LSD, and Mushrooms.

Now the mindset. I have abstained from alcohol and ALL drugs for four months prior to this experience, and also quit smoking two months prior. In the four months leading up this I began exercising six days a weeks and have gotten in really good shape physically, mentally and spiritually. I run four days a week, lift weights three days a week, and do Yoga and Meditate everyday.

Let me also say that my favorite feeling from my drug history has been either on opiates or MDMA, and I enjoyed them both a little too much in the past. I try to stay clear of them now except for special occasions.

Now onto the experience. I've done Kratom several times before, but this time was special, I fasted for 18 hours prior, my last meal was around 9PM the previous evening. The day of, I went for a 2 1/2 mile run followed by yoga and meditation. I thought around 3PM would be a good time to ingest the Kratom.

3:15 ~ I weighed out 7 grams and emptied the powdered contents into my mouth chasing it with a tall glass of water. It tastes nasty, but I know the reward will be sweet.

3:45 ~ I start to feel this intense warmth come over my entire body, it feels like a combination of my first MDMA high with a nice OxyContin like twist, along with the social aspect of Cocaine.

4:15 ~ Still feeling incredible, strong desire to communicate with loved ones. Very empathetic.

4:45 ~ Listening to music sounds like a really good idea right now. I put on a live Jerry Garcia Band disc from 77' and just lay on my bed really enjoying the moment.

6:15 ~ Starting to feel back to normal, I still very happy though.

Overall this experience was incredibly satisfying. What made it really magical was the fasting and the aerobic exercise, and the fact that this was the first time in four months I put anything psychoactive into my system.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60574
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 4, 2007Views: 33,832
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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