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Perfect Preparation! Amazing Trip!
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis
Citation:   Aquanina. "Perfect Preparation! Amazing Trip!: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis (exp60594)". Oct 23, 2007.

250 seeds oral Morning Glory (extract)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Did I Eat Morning Glories or Ecstasy/Shrooms!? we go...

I purchased 114 grams of Heavenly Blue seeds online ($20) from a site that says their seeds are 'organically grown and harvested, untreated seeds'. I read a ton of reports about Morning Glory seeds and decided it would be best to buy seeds that I knew for sure were untreated, since alot of the ones you purchase at stores are treated with poisons and other chemicals. I'd like to make a note, seeing as how no one really seems to have had a completely similarly flawless, nausea-free experience as mine with strong MDMA/shroom-like effects. So I believe that anything in my preparation, or anything relating to things I had done on previous nights should be taken into account. For example, 2 nights before I took the Morning Glory I tripped really intensely on DXM. Also, it could be something as simple as me using spring water, instead of tap water, or organic seeds, etc. that caused such an amazing, mind blowing experience. So I think that should all be taken into account.

I used the water and alcohol extraction method mentioned in the MG FAQs. I counted out 250 seeds, and used an electric coffee/pepper grinder to grind them up completely. Then I poured it into a jar, added some spring water, and shook it up really well. I set it in a cold place near my balcony where it's very drafty and almost like a refrigerator and shook it up every now and again for a few hours. I noticed that the seed pulp seemed to absorb most of the water I added, so I added some more spring water, and shook it up again. The jar, which was about the size of a regular peanut butter jar, was just under half full. I had planned on letting the seed pulp sit in the water for a day or two, but after several hours I became impatient and decided to strain it.

At first I tried using a coffee filter, but the mush was just too thick to go through. I tried this twice, and was quite sloppy, probably losing about 20 or so worth of the seeds. I became impatient and decided to try a very fine wire mesh strainer that we had sitting in the kitchen. This seemed to work perfectly. It let the thick dark liquid drain through, yet kept out the solid seed mush, which I then discarded. I took the thick brown liquid that was left and poured it into an aluminum (or tin or whatever) cheap baking tray. I let the liquid spread out evenly, set it on my floor and placed a fan to blow straight onto/across the liquid.

I thought it would take alot longer to evaporate than it did. It was only a few hours later that I noticed that the liquid had turned into a very thin flaky layer that covered the pan. It was alot like dead dried leaves but more delicate. Once it was all completely dry, I very easily picked the dried flakes off the pan and placed them back into the now clean jar. I then added a few shots of 100 proof Vodka and shook the jar up really well and again let it sit in a cold place. I had read that you should drink the mixture with the alcohol at this point, but I was in no mood to drink any 100 proof vodka, so I decided I would let the alcohol evaporate. So after several hours I poured the contents of the jar back onto the now clean flat pan and again set a fan to blow across it so the alcohol would evaporate. It became dry even quicker this time, in just a few hours. By now it looked like a heap of dry dark brown corn flakes. I let it sit out for a whole day, until I was ready to take it that night. So the entire process of preparing the seeds only took about 24 hours. Then on the second night, I ate them.

I took the little pile of brown corn flake looking stuff and put it in a glass and mashed it up a bit with my spoon, because there were still some big flakey leafy pieces. I mixed it with some water and an emergen-C, which is a little packet of powder like kool aid that fizzes and has a ton of vitamin C in it and other vitamins and such. I had also taken a flintstones vitamin before hand =P gotta love those, cause I wanted to make sure I had plenty of vitamin C. As I was drinking/eating my glass of pink fizzy brown corn flakes (so odd haha) I right away noticed a tingling feeling in my mouth and teeth. I figured this was a good sign(I was right). I consumed the mixture at 8pm.

Every single trip report I read talked about nausea and vomiting and I was a bit worried about this, so I smoked some really effing amazing weed and just chilled out and played Kingdom Hearts. After a half hour I really began to notice some effects, definitely felt something coming on. An hour later, around 9pm I had that definite coming up acidy/shroomish feeling. My palms were sweaty and wet, but not in a bad way. My whole body tingled. I felt really happy and my eyes were slightly dilated. Not once did I even feel a tiny hint of nausea.

The effects I was experiencing were growing and growing. By 9:45pm I was extremely happy and talkative and wished I was doing this drug with friends because I wanted to talk sooo badly. Then at 10pm, WOW, suddenly I was rolling my ass off. Ok, now you might think this sounds crazy. But I've done ecstasy many many times, and I've done shrooms several times, and acid only twice, but I KNOW what they should all feel like, and this was just bizarre. It felt exactly like I had taken some really great MDMA and by 10:15pm my pupils were enormous and I even had eye wiggles! I was astounded. I was texting my friend who I used to roll with all the time because I was like, in shock but loving every second of it. The music was orgasmic, all I wanted to listen to was trancey type music, and not only could I hear the music but I could see it and even more so, feel it running through my veins like a drug. It was awesome. It was like rolling with the extreme feel good happiness, but without the whole 'lovey-doveyness' which was replaced by a shroomish clarity and a high (I think I had smoked a bit more by then) anaylitical extremely lucid state of mind. It was like all the awesome parts of rolling/shrooming/frying all at the same time!

Between 10:15 and 11pm it was more of the shroomy/highish feeling that took over and I was listening to music, feeling amazing, and thinking about everything and having some closed and open eye visuals. I spent a good deal of time staring at the visualizer on my computer, it was amazing. At this point I discovered the theory of relativity and figured out how to manipulate time. I was able to slow down and speed up time. That was extremely trippy. I'm not even going to begin to explain it because it would take a year.

Then at around 11pm the 'rolling' kicked back in, and I mean full swing! I spent the next few hours, until around 1am, listening to music in bed naked and well, yeah, rolling *wink wink*. Again. Amazing!! I think because I had such awesome weed that when I would smoke the drug would change courses over the period of the night between acidy, shroomy, and rolling MDMA (ecstasy whatever) feeling. But it was sooo fun because I never got bored with any of it!! All night long, every single thing I did was even more amazing then the last thing. I never ceased to be amazed and was in a constant state of awe and excitement haha.

After I had had enough fun with myself, I also discovered that it was great to wander around and at one point I stopped to smell a scented cupcake necklace that I have. I can't even describe it. It was like the greatest thing I had ever smelled, the scent traveled up my nose and dispersed throughout my entire body and then filled my head with the most amazing visuals. So I decided I wanted to smell more things! I scent my own jewelry, so I have a box of fragrance oils and I grabbed the box and just sat in my bed opening and sniffing each smell lol. Each one was like an explosion in my head and an orgasm at the same time. After doing this for a little while I noticed that the smells were making me hungry and I noticed that my tummy was rumbling. I decided that I was hungry as hell and I couldn't wait to eat!

So I ventured down to the kitchen and put together the oddest little plate of food I've ever made haha. I discovered that shocking my senses was insanely cool and amazing so I cut a little piece of cheese, a slice of roast beef, a dab of whipped cream, a vanilla wafer, a tiny scoop of apricot jam, a cracker, and a dab of canned garlic!!! Haha. I found out that the weirder the tastes/smells I could find the better! So I took the tiny plate of oddly assorted foods to my room, and my god that was the best plate of food I have ever eaten in my entire life. After each bite of anything I took I think I let out little gasps of joy lol. It was fun as hell. I would mix things like the garlic and the apricot jam on my finger and taste it. It was soooo bizarre but so amazing.

After that it was around 3am and I was still tripping just as hard as I was hours before and I was starting to get sick of it and thinking, haha, ok, I'm ready to come down now! But the drugs certainly weren't ready to stop. I was so awake and tripping so hard, so I smoked quite a bit of weed hoping that it would make me tired. But no, it just made me even more awake and make it feel like I was rolling again. I was almost starting to get a little frustrated and I think around 5am I finally turned the music off and laid my head down on my pillow and tried to sleep. I have no idea if I slept at all or if I just had a ton of closed eye visuals but it felt like I slept because at 6am I woke up with a jolt and was tripping harder than ever!!! I couldn't believe it!! So I found some people online and just talked to them for awhile.

It had snowed alot the previous day and that morning around 11am my sister comes into my room and I'm still tripping. She wants to go sled riding. So I go and it was alot of fun, but I ended up bruising my tail bone. I think I had finally come down around 1 or 2pm that day and wasn't completely normal until the next morning! That's like 18 hours of tripping my ass off and another 20 or so hours of coming down, which was really awesome, but it would have been SOOO much more awesome if I had friends that I was tripping with!

I have no clue why the Morning Glories felt like ecstasy. It could have been the fact that I had tripped hard on DXM 2 nights before and it may have still been in my system, or the amazing pot that I have, no idea, but whatever I did it was freakin amazing. I feel sorry for all those people who eat this stuff and get sick and never know its real potential! I love my drugs but I won't be doing Morning Glories again for awhile, just because I tripped sooo goddamn hard and long! lol. And when I do it again I'm going to make sure that I have friends to hang out with and a boy to take care of my needs. Hah! Cheers everyone!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60594
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2007Views: 21,850
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Preparation / Recipes (30), Music Discussion (22), Multi-Day Experience (13), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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