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The Blue Pain and Boing Dee Noises
Citation:   Lisbeth Og Bent. "The Blue Pain and Boing Dee Noises: An Experience with 2C-B (exp60735)". Mar 21, 2020.

5 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
    insufflated 2C-B (powder / crystals)
Religious Experience on 2cb

I am an electronic mucician, having tried 2c-b before at a lower dose (15 mg's) I decided to snort some before doing a show together with a friend. I drank about 5 beers in a time interval of approximately 2 hours just before snorting the stuff that may have alot to do with the experience, seeing as my friend did not have nearly as wild a ride as me and he hadnt had anything to drink.

Right after sniffing it I get the massive pain in my nose, slowly it starts to shift its nature, growing 'blue' (I know a pain cant be colored, but this is how I percieved it). The blue mass grows untill it covers the whole of my body, inflicting all kinds off crazy body experiences. At this point we decide to go outside, travelling from the backstage area, through the dance floor and outside. At this point people seem to be glued together and all light seems very bright. This is only about 5-15 mins into the trip. We get outside succesfully and I start to get really freaky visuals, all kinds of colors and lighting, the bodyload intensifies exponentially while I'm trying to comunicate what I feel and see to my friends, but at this point I'm not able to talk, I know what to say but it comes out like 'boing deee dede duddi hahaha' sounds. I go around speaking nonsense like that for a short while, in the meantime my bodyload just gets more and more ferouciously euphoric, when suddenly everything begins to shimmmer really fast. When I discover this shimmering I also discover that I am unable to move due to the fact that all my muscles *need* to be fully contracted, this feeling of beeing skinned by my own muscle's need to be contracted gets worse and worse until it reaches a point where it feels like all the bones in my skeleton is laid out on a string like a beady necklace. At this point the shimmering stops and everything goes dead silent. This is the most awesome feeling I have ever had, I was shimmering in tune with the universe, the smallest waterdrop hitting my skin, or the smallest muscle contraction would release endless escapades of mindorgasms. This state lasted 30 seconds or shorter but felt like an eternity and for the rest of the trip I could recall this sensation by contracting my muscles or concentrating about the memory of it.

The rest of the trip was rather mild and then again very heavy, I had all the classic hallucinations and even some new ones I hadnt tried before. Like very sticky spiderwebs everywhere that I had to remove to gain progress, the smell of burnt rubber eminating from everywhere. As said before we were playing that night and having the whole audience look to me for an experince while I was freaking the fuck out is a very enjoyable experience>

The author reports insufflating 25-30 milligrams during this experience.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60735
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2020Views: 653
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