Bisexuality ???
Citation:   CorpGuy. "Bisexuality ???: An Experience with MDMA (exp6075)". Apr 6, 2001.

I am 39 years old and have avoided drugs, save for times smoking pot and one line of coke about 15 years ago. People assume that I so conservative that I would freak out over any drug use.

My business partner and I have been very close friends for many years. He is 29 and far more liberal than I. Last June he began several conversations about ectasy. Because of my responses - 'anyone would have to be nuts to fool with any of that stuff' - he dropped the subject. Following several more attempts to introduce the subject, he finally admitted in September - 'Don't flip out' that he tried MDMA. He also convinced me to at least try it. I did. Like many the first time was terrifying, 'Oh God, why did I agree to this?' Vomitting, total lack of control. I now realize that the discomfort was caused more by anxiety than by the drug. My partner never left my side, even when I had my head in the bowl. He was very reassuring. Since that time we have been partying about every two weeks.

The experience has relaxed me and had a positive change on my overall attitude. I have witnessed girls exhibiting bisexuality in clubs & at parties. Within the past two months, my partner & I, both straight and married, have become physically closer. Two weeks ago while our wives were aways we went 'skinny dipping' and ended up achieving erections. There has been no oral contact, just touching. Neither of us are awake of homosexual tendencies when not rolling. Now there seems to be a whole new element to partying. It feels good, it's enjoyable, there's no shame even though it's not discussed when sober. I have no sense of switching sides, we just enjoy the experience. I'm wondering if I discovered a side of me that I didn't know existed or is it just an extension of the touchy-feely nature of MDMA. In the past we have shared girls, but this is new. I am a very secure person and confident of who I am. While I wouldn't share this with associates, I thought it may be helpful if someone else has a similar experience.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6075
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 6, 2001Views: 6,660
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MDMA (3) : Various (28), General (1), Sex Discussion (14)

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