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Connor In Wonderland For The First Time
Citation:   dude... seriously. "Connor In Wonderland For The First Time: An Experience with LSD (exp60965)". Jan 14, 2018.

T+ 0:00
200 ug   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:30 200 ug   LSD (blotter / tab)
Sooo I am just into my 2nd blotter which I took about 1.5 hours after the first blotter, the feeling is just simply amazing. The way you feel just in muscle and nerve wise is just simply amazing... And right now, I'm laughing my ass off to Team America: World Po-po and everything feels great... This is also the first time I've tried acid... And it's a thing that I will have to try again... My eyesight is illusion and everything is moving just a little bit slower, kinda like moving your hands across your face and seeing trails from your hands.... It's hard to focus on everything... I think as of this point here, I've spent 10 minutes typing this report and I'm still having a great time... Well all the feeling in my body is quite insightful and everything is very clear... This is a definitely must try because right now... I'm in the greatest feeling off of my life and I definitely want to bee like this all the time... It's about exactly 2 hours into intake, and I love it... I can't talk anymore cause I dunno want to waste my great feeling sooo yea...

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 60965
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 14, 2018Views: 970
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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