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The Power Came From the Crystal...
Nutmeg (extract)
Citation:   Reverend Locybe. "The Power Came From the Crystal...: An Experience with Nutmeg (extract) (exp6097)". Apr 9, 2001.

2 capsls oral Nutmeg (extract)
First and foremost, Identification techniques. Pure myristicin (5-Methoxy-Safrole - at least, I'm pretty sure that's the psychoactive component - not everyone is) is a lightly off-white crystalline substance, forming long, straight, needle-like crystals which are often not visible individually, causing it to instead form popcorn-like clusters in which the crystals are barely visible. It flouresces a dark and vivid red under ultraviolet. It is unknown whether ultraviolet degredation occurs, or what such a degredation byproduct might be, although there was no visible change in the substance or its flourescence. Last but not least, it makes an excellent hand lotion.

As you might guess, I've posessed rather a large amount of the pure crystal, and consumed a wee bit in my day; my extraction process shall be posted after I finance my college education. :) 00 gelcaps make the ideal individual dose when packed - one is usually well noticable, two is a rather refreshing, intense experience, and to date no one has recovered from more hefty dose; one individual, already permanently affected by other psychedelic substances, rather mused that he might wish to take four of them. Another individual decided to consume it roughly as he consumed beer, going for the 'all you can eat special' (luckily, we ran out before this person had to be curtailed for purely medical considerations). That was the eve prior, and this individual has not yet passed the pre-effects; I expect him to peak sometime later this week, although it might be well into next week.

Its response is most certainly seratonin-based, and it fits in rather cleanly. Although I'd certainly not like to be the poor fool poisoning themselves from eating raw nutmeg (one glass of non-psychoactive tea brewed to /taste/ is enough to cause noticable stomach discomfort), it's probably all I'll be eating unless I can find verifyably clean LSD - I have reason to believe I have eaten Sandoz, once, and until I find that or at least signifigantly comparable, I'm sticking exclusively to MDS and LSA (Ipomea lemonade). 'Shrooms are too dirty for me.

I'll skip the preliminary experimentation report, suffice to say that a moderate pinch (which we worked our way up to) is, in fact, noticably psychoactive. Despite this fact, I'd still reccomend grabbing the gelcaps from the health-food store.

My first major dosage (having worked out the scale), I consumed two packed tabs, and waited. The preliminary effects, in this case, were a gentle, caffine-like effect (possibly equivalent to about 5 or 6 cups) with a noticable MD-P-derived euphoria. Its euphoria, where present, is far less harsh and blunt than that of MDMA, and would compare favorably in my opinion to low-dosage codeine, were it not for its obvious methelenedeoxyphenyl root.

The peak begins on its own, rather suddenly within the next 6-20 hours, and is marked by a strong, herb-and-speed paranoia, though I've never been running scared nor hiding from imaginary dangers. It's just the sort of thing that demands personal space. Time is seperated into moment-by-moment, unsequenced, short events. Nothing can one be certain of. It's vaguely like the way LSD grips one, during its meditative phase, except with a greater raw feeling of intensity; however, it tends to not have the effects of street LSD dirt, despite its nature of intensity. When it goes, it goes as suddenly as it came. I spent most of mine, here, having a headtrip (usual), wondering if the people around me (my friends for the last 3+ years) were actually at all the people I thought they might be. Unfortunately, I did not record the thoughts which came.

The visual phase (which, though it can, need have nothing to do with any peak, nor any other constraints of time throughout the experience) came for me late the next evening, perhaps around 10 or 11 in the evening. I had gotten one hour of sleep the morn previous, due to the stimulating effects, and due to same was I calmly, casually, and not over-tiredly reading before bed. It was during this that the walls, floor, ceiling, and lights of my room disappeared, and I was reading, on my bed, in an Amazonian setting, my closet door having become an intricate temple. Upon looking back, however, it returned to my room, to later become : void, with a portal to some great beyond, and a few other things. The entire day previous had been left to closed-eye visuals more real than any other visual percieved. The open-eye visuals, on the other hand, actually were -less- absorbing, although realistic and world-ensuming.

Unfortunately, other things call at the moment, so I fear that I must end this meager report, intended to be a full retrospective, with my slumber that eve. I did regain full sobriety by the third day, that particular experience. I hope you enjoy this plant - a little nuttification in its proper time and place can be a glorious thing - and I hope it guides you to those higher things which you seek.


The Reverend 'Locybe,'
and the
Combined Guilds of
Alchemists & Herbalists (Pacific NW)

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6097
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 9, 2001Views: 1,769
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Nutmeg (41) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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