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Flight Through Pulp Mountain
Citation:   KinGonZo. "Flight Through Pulp Mountain: An Experience with DXM (exp6135)". Erowid.org. Feb 14, 2002. erowid.org/exp/6135

T+ 0:00
420 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:30 300 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 0:30 180 mg oral DXM (liquid)
  T+ 1:10 300 mg oral DXM (liquid)
Flight Through Pulp Mountain

Name: KinGonZo
Weight: 70kg
Date: 8.April 2001
Time: 2130+
Location: Austria -TripRoom
DXM: 1200mg (RatiopharmHustenstiller Powder)

I've heard about DXM in a german drug-board. So what, I tried it the same day and... Now, one year later I've become what we would call a real DXM-Freak. So far I've already taken something around 30gr. -mostly through german Hustenstiller. Today I wanna write down the feelings and thoughts I get during my Trip. So it comes that im sitting here in the middle of Europe, together with 1200mg DXM and the good will to write as english as possible, so that every smart freak out there in the crazy world of Fnord can understand what my DXM-tuned brain will cry out for him:

2130: I take my first dose - 420mgDXM. I chose to take it through several times to avoid vomiting.

2200: I take another 300mg (tt:720mg) no special feelings so far
I am ''napstering'' the song -HellAwaits- oh damn it makes me smiling...

2215: I start feeling first pleasant waves gliding through my head. Yeah, this will be a long deep night.The realization of absurd drug-dimensions is knocking on the door of my brainspirit. May I let her in?...

2230: Music and television sounds diffrent -with a little deepness like I would like to find it on the end of Alices garden. So what, I can feel how I m starting getting dissociated. I take another 180mg (tt:900mg). For some raeson I start doupting if it was a good decision to give me a heavenlike trip. But who cares TakeIT MakeIT. Its time to walk trough. I can feel the jump up to the 2nd plateau.

2240: Wow, thats total eclipse - I ve got a full dissociative headfeeling. I decide to take the 300mgDXM (totalamount:1200mgDXM:) My skin gets warm and red. I'm feeling a little bit sick. Reading gets even harder. I'm feeling like one who is totally drunken but has already puked. So not really bad just high.

2250: Kick ass -this really turns me on. I jumping and flying around the ThirdPlateau so far. My emotians are unbelivable. Yeah happiness and dizziness are makeing a journey inside by body. I feel like being inside a big sponge.

2320: Hossa hex Oh thats scary I feel like being a tetrisblock moving around my room,. I keeps pushimhg. I enjoy it. I m watching MTV. KurtCubain is on the screen, we build up n unbeliveable bridge. wow I know my face everything clear swolloing.
When I close my eyes I fly on the moon with my red circlechair. everyrhing is crazy so for about fnord and all that things.

2335: I hear feel like being in a new dimension........

2350: i will shiver the hole role through
...no understandable notes till morning...

Hells kitchen I coudnt even imagine such an absurd kind of being. I mean its fantastic. Now 7am in the morning but I m still totallly high nowayout wow I cannot keep a cleardirection. what i ve experienced this night is too strange too deep to tell it anybody without gettimg mad. I succeeded. Now I m sitting here in front of my pc -one eye closed to focus the letters on the keyboard. Damn its WOW.

I thought a lot about human evolution birth and anthropology. About 30minutes I sit in my chair asking me what I AM. I am a human person, born and brought up. I feel for some way like an animal or like YES thats IT THE MATRIX thats exactly what I m thinking about remembering the last 7 hours. History is just short one step I felt it. The Room in which I tripped was getting much larger. One step seems to be about 10m for me. Everything is circeling around me. Its amazing how dxm can be within higher doses. It really throughs me out of reality i coudnt say if it s dream or reality. In the normal reality we ve time and room/space but with DXM my your blood those two units get miXed up. Yeah man thats it.

So however, now its monday afternoon and I m still dizzy but man enough to post my trip-report and to think todays night. Ok so finally let me point out that DXM isn t a drug that makes me happy, but if were searching for a reality-break-through experience...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6135
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2002Views: 13,849
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DXM (22) : General (1), Alone (16)

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