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My Moves Were Dances
by ?
Citation:   ?. "My Moves Were Dances: An Experience with Ketamine (exp61391)". Feb 17, 2018.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  4.5 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
High on Ketamine

So I'm about to go to school and I get a phone call from my mom saying I dont have to go to school if I want to. So I tel her id rather go home and we hang up. I go to the school because I have weed in my locker because my mom checks my room.

I had been expecting ketamine tommrow, because I didnt expect to see the kid who was gonna give it to me, but there he was. Before I was gonna leave I see him and he gives me the K and I tell him I'll pay him back.

So I go home smoke wizzle in my backyard, and then go inside and sniff my K. So I sniff about a line first, and I remember it being very strong and icy. I wince, and give myself a few minutes till I sniff some more. So in the end I do about 4 to 5 lines and I decide to watch tv. Then as I'm watching tv I feel this sudden wave of highness come over my weed high. So I try to run into my room to get something before I'm fully tranqed out, and I'm wobbling everywhere and ever move is so trippy, like I was tripping on acid. I felt like my moves were dances , but once I got all robotic.

So I fall into my couch where I grab a pillow and start laying down feeling as high as I ever was. I'm not naseous probably because of the weed, but I'm talking to myself and listening to music, and I get the urge to call my bestfriend. When I realize that I sound so drugged out. So I'm completely gone for and hour and 15 minutes I estimate. It would probably be longer but I have a high tolerance for drugs so you know.Then I have the ability to sit vertically for a bit, and after 2 hours I'm not very high, for the most part sober.

So Ketamine was the shit but the only thing I didnt like was that I couldn't move and go outside. But it is a tranqulizer so thats expected.

Happy tripping.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61391
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2018Views: 698
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Alone (16)

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