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Sleeping Through Jail Time
Quetipine (Seroquel)
Citation:   Quetiapine. "Sleeping Through Jail Time: An Experience with Quetipine (Seroquel) (exp61401)". Nov 29, 2007.

  repeated oral Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
After being sentenced with felony theft, I got the rather unenjoyable experience of spending 3 months in county jail. Considering that this was my first time in jail, I was very scared and had no idea what to expect. I went in there with my presciptions of Lexapro and Adderall, and realized that the Adderall really sucked to take in jail, so I found some 'speed freaks' who had access to 'sleeping pills'.

Well, all I really wanted to do was sleep, considering this was the quickest way to blow time and get out quicker. So, I would trade my 20mg adderall for 100 to 400 mg's or Seroquel (or what they called it, 'Quil'). I was told it was a form of tranquilizer, hence the 'quil' in the name Seroquel.

Well anyways, around 10 am, I'd pop one of the pills, sometimes cutting them in half to sleep off of 50 mg, and sleep FOREVER! I don't even know if these pills are used as sleep aides, but it worked. Perhaps it was just the power of suggestion, but I didn't care, cause they conked me OUT! I'd wake up around 5 pm, then pop another one before bed time (around 10pm).

One weird side effect that I noticed was that, obviously, the more I took, the deeper I would fall into sleep. But the weird thing was, I would have very vivid dreams, and would actually yell obscenities in my sleep (definitely not a good thing to do in jail). I'd literally wake myself up screaming 'STFU you piece of shit' or 'I'll kick your fuckin ass!'. I actually had a guy come up to me and tell me that I was 'possessed' and should seek Jesus (I was actually attending a private Bible College the year before, so I'm pretty sure I wasn't possessed).

Generally if I only took 50mg, I'd be fine, but anything over 100 mg and I'd start yellin. But then, the nurses began to crush up the sleeping pills (Seroquel and Tradnizone), and stopped giving me my adderall. They had no idea that I was trading them for these pills, but the jail doctor stated 'It's an amphetamine, he shouldn't be taking it'. The jail doctor was a dumbass, I was diagnosed with ADD about a year before, and the pills had absolutley no amphetamine effect on me at all.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 61401
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2007Views: 47,609
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Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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