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Ecstasy to the Tenth
Syrian Rue & H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Fevered Dreams. "Ecstasy to the Tenth: An Experience with Syrian Rue & H.B. Woodrose (exp61641)". Oct 9, 2022.

T+ 0:00
2 g oral Syrian Rue (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 5 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (extract)
  T+ 2:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 3:30   oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 9:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 15:30 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
For 5 days I have eaten nothing but salad, keeping my diet bland so it would be safe to use an MAOI. On each night of this week I have ingested a different combination of chemicals. On the first night I simply ate 8 HBWR seeds, as I feared that an MAOI was not safe yet. On the second and third nights I ingested DMT (from Chaliponga) orally, with the rue, experimenting with different amounts and methods of dosing.

I smoke tobacco and cannabis regularly and retain a healthy physique. I have taken mushrooms approx. 20 times, mescaline 5 times, and 3 prior experiences with HBWR. I've done ecstasy 3 times and have sampled a wide variety of pills (vicodin, zanax, soma's etc.). I've smoked salvia more times than I could count, always with 20x extract. Its the effing grandmother of all hallucinogens. I also document all of my experiences as they are happening.

I used a simple cold (distilled) water extraction for the woodrose after shaving/powdering, then powdered/encapsulated the Rue. Unsure of what to expect, I decided to start with a relatively small dose.

10:30- 2g rue+ 5 seeds down the hatch.

12:00- Heavy buzz, mild CEV's. The typical rue experience with a little lightness and tension in my stomach. Maybe a little something more, possibly just improved mood and muscle weakness.

12:30- Bowl smoked followed by intense shroomy euphoria. Seeing as though I've never seen before. What I imagine 100mg of pure MDMA to be like from my experiences with it. Not much in the way of visual distortion, that is to say no objects are shifting. Vision is quite clear, pupils huge, breathing labored.
Vision is quite clear, pupils huge, breathing labored.

1:00- This is probably the best combination I've ever experimented with. If I had a sitter, I'd hit some salvia. (NOTE: on my last HBWR trip I smoked three hits 20x and blacked out for 25 minutes as opposed to the normal 4 or 5 min. The two mix to quite a potent effect.) Everything I touch, hear, look at = ecstasy to the tenth power. Genitals incredibly stimulated. Probably starting to peak, energy is boundless and flowing. Mind is racing.

1:30- Much vomiting. Feel infinitely better. Will begin prep. to increase dose. (NOTE: vomiting so intensely sobered me up for a few minutes.)

1:37- WTF! am I thinking, is it really such a good idea? Will just do a higher dose in a few weeks.

2:00- WARNING: Caffeine is not meant to be consumed with MAOI's, don't try this at home. I know my body's limits. One can of Dr. Pepper consumed.

4:00- Fell asleep after lying in bed for about an hour.

7:30- Eyes still very dilated. After some painful diarrhea I smoked a bowl and returned to bed, still much under the influence of the chemicals.

2:00- Enormous persistent afterglow felt immediately upon waking. Smoked a cigarette and let the rain drip on my legs, it felt incredible. It continued for the next 12 hrs.

During most of this trip I could not concentrate on anything for very long, my mind was moving much too fast. The entire night was spent with headphones grafted to my ears, glorious Shpongle playing almost the entire time, with some Floyd near the end when I was trying to sleep. I drank about a litre of cranberry juice. My body temperature and heart rate could have both been red lining, I couldn't really tell in my condition- they just seemed like they might be, which worried my for a while. I meditated with breathing exercises to calm myself every half hour or so, it seemed to help. I also had to remind myself to breathe through most of the night. Was very glad to be doing it alone even with all of that, though. Had tons of CEV's while I was peaking, walls would breath, doorways would wiggle and plants would dance.

Typical of rue for me, I heard a symphony of strings and brass early on in the trip that persisted for a few hours. Lost connection with who I was, began to think that everyone I've ever interacted with was merely a product of my imagination. This was a very intense combination.

*My reason for believing I had found Soma was fairly simple, but irrelevant. I decided that the actual combination would have more likely been Banisteriopsis Caapi and Rivea Corymbosa, given the geography of the plants.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61641
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 9, 2022Views: 391
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H.B. Woodrose (26), Syrian Rue (45), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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