I'll Never Dose Beyond 4 Grams
Amanitas & Cannabis
Citation:   BlueBuddha. "I'll Never Dose Beyond 4 Grams: An Experience with Amanitas & Cannabis (exp61743)". Erowid.org. Aug 10, 2018. erowid.org/exp/61743

  oral Amanitas (dried)
    oral Amanitas (extract - 10x)
    smoked Amanitas (extract - 10x)
    smoked Cannabis  
Amanita Extract and Smoking It

I am 40, have a 25 year history with psychoactives as recreational and spiritual tools. I did a bunch of mushrooms in college, though never amanitas, and only recently learned that they could be acquired legally.

Amanita is great! If dosed correctly it gives me much of the 'vibe' of the mushroom trip with an amazing amount of clarity. Since I never did more that between 1 and 3.5 grams of pyschedelic mushrooms in college--I have a definite positive sensitivity to them--I decided to start out with amanitas in similar fashion. 1-2 gram dose was mild but with certain 'heightened awareness', when I doubled that dose to about 4 grams it was definitely a classifiable trip, with some muscle twitching and pulse racing, but nothing over the top. I write all of this as preface to say that if you start slowly with these and are respectful (and have the right shroom), they are GREAT. As one reporter states, they're more like a 'tonic' for life--a helluva lot better than Paxil--than they are a recreational or party drug. I'll never dose beyond 4 grams, I'll never need to.

But on to the resin. It's commonly available online, here's what I discovered. The extract I got is 10-15x, is very sticky/mushy, and not easy to work with as it sticks in the tiny ziploc it was shipped in.
The extract I got is 10-15x, is very sticky/mushy, and not easy to work with as it sticks in the tiny ziploc it was shipped in.
I have several times boiled 1/5 of a gram of the extract (equal to 2-3 grams of amanita) in a cup of tea. The extract dissolves in easily, has virtually no taste, and within 30 minutes of ingestion produces LOVELY effects. It is true that Mary Jane will activate and accentuate the amanita experience
Mary Jane will activate and accentuate the amanita experience
, but once that initial high wears off, for me at least, its clear that the trip is ongoing, and the source of the trip is the amanita.

I also have smoked similar quantities of the resin with bud in a water pipe and again, it accelerates the MJ high into a very clear and potent trip. Not giggly like psychedlics, more insightful, great for conversation, decision making, playing or listening to music, etc. Even though it lasts well longer than the MJ high, it is gentle enough that I can lie in bed and fall asleep tripping, into a trippy sleep. Also has an interesting aphrodisiac quality, for me at least. Better than Viagra!

I think amanitas are a great psychoactive tool, they just require a degree of respect because they are very powerful. The extract was an interesting alternative because it is concentrated and can be easily imbibed or smoked, and certainly, for me at least, produced similarly satisfactory effects.


Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61743
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 40
Published: Aug 10, 2018Views: 2,098
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