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The Most Incredible Outer-Body Experience
by Doug
Citation:   Doug. "The Most Incredible Outer-Body Experience: An Experience with Ketamine (exp61792)". Erowid.org. Aug 29, 2007. erowid.org/exp/61792

1.5 ml IM Ketamine (liquid)
Very recently, a friend turned me on to ketamine. I didn't know much about it, and was generally uninformed about it all together. More specifically, I had no clue this drug was as psychedelic as I now know it is. My friend did not know how to describe it to me, but explained to me that it was something beyond mushrooms and lsd. Curiosity thoroughly stimulated, I agreed to try it, having my friend as a sober-sitter. He had one and a half cc's ready to go in a needle and injected it into my thigh.

I waited about one solid minute in anticipation until I finally felt my first symptoms of the drug. My fingers went numb slightly and tingled a bit. A mere 30 seconds later my heart began to race, as my body felt a series of rushes. I decided to get up and move around in attempt to stimulate a trip, not knowing that was not necessary. I started on one end of my friend's front porch and made it barely to the other end, where I sat on a bench.

All conception of reality left me then and very, very quickly. Suddenly I was in a sort of jungle-like world, with many animals roaming about. My life up until then was almost completely forgotten, and all I could think about was how and why I got to this world. The trees and grass constantly swayed in fractal-like patterns. I remember asking many questions, but not verbally, only mentally. My thoughts seemed to be heard by all the animals around me, mostly dogs and panther-like cats. They were all to happy to answer me back as well, in an ESP-like narrative heard only in my mind. Somehow, though, I knew the animals were the ones responsible.

Their voices assured me everything was ok, but they never explained why I was there. They also followed me into newer levels of reality. It seemed I was experiencing most of these 'worlds' through the perspective of the animals themselves. In the jungle-like reality I fluttered through thick, tall grass completely content. Then my environment changed suddenly into a very red, thick liquid world. I felt as if I was swimming through thick paint. My surroundings changed colors, shapes, patterns, viscosity, and textures quite often. Needless to say, I was more than confused.

I eventually ended up back on the porch I began my trip on - only it was miles in length, and impossible to move on. I asked one of the dogs mentally where I was at. She sort of laughed at me, and told me to play. At that point I realized I wanted to discover reality, having completely forgotten what it was like. That's when I finally understood who I was (not an animal moving through the environment) and I realized I had been sitting on this bench, for an undetermined length of time. It could've been weeks in my mind.

I tried to get up and that's when I realized my friend was near me, as he was concerned of me moving around. I remember telling him I was good to go. That was definitely not the case, It seems in my little journey I completely forgot how to communicate to my muscles. I moved in a very robotic fashion to the door, two steps slowly towards, then one away, slowly reprogramming my muscles to listen to me. It took about 40 minutes to fully regain use of my motor skills.

My friend then filled in all the blanks of my intense, little trip. Apparently, I had been sitting on the bench for the entire duration, being roughly an hour. On very few occasions, I spoke aloud. He told me I once said, 'I'm never coming back.' and 'So many realities.' Most of the time, I stared off into space, and breathed really heavy. As for all the animals who escorted me around the many different worlds, my friend owns a bunch of dogs and cats. Yet for some reason, even though my friend was sitting right next to me he was never there in any of my worlds.

Mentally, I don't feel like I'll ever be the same after trying this drug.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61792
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2007Views: 19,393
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Ketamine (31) : Entities / Beings (37), Guides / Sitters (39), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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