'I was Told it Was LSD. It Wasn't'
by CK
Citation:   CK. "'I was Told it Was LSD. It Wasn't': An Experience with LSD (exp61840)". Erowid.org. May 1, 2009. erowid.org/exp/61840

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: This report was submitted as a 5-MeO-AMT report, however the writer does not provide any reasoning for the deviation. In the reviewer's opinion, the effects described below are reasonably consistent with LSD.]

Since one of my friends tried it last year, I'd wanted to get my hands on some LSD badly. But it wasn't until a girl at work had told me that she had some. She said that her dealer had sold her good acid, and that she trusted him. That was good enough for her.

She gave me the little pieces of paper, and I kept them cold and in the darkness like I'd been told to. Today it was decided amongst me and a friend that today was the right day to do it. We took the paper out, and each took two hits (I took a little more).

+00 That entire day I'd been smoking hash and very potent marijuana, so I was already pretty blazed. But once it hit, I really started to experience everything strangely.

+2:00 I'm really trying to put the effects into words, but it's tough. I feel, out of body, and thinking about everything rapidly. And I feel hot, beginning to drink lots of water. Due to an unforseen circumstance, my friend had to leave early so I was completely alone with only some online friends to keep me grounded. My whole body felt strange. Typing becomes difficult and strained. Yet I have incredible energy too.

+4:00 I've forgotten what spelt words look like.

+4:30 I'm beginning to see faces in the darkness of my room. I feel strangely at peace with the world, and somewhat safe, although this emotion comes and goes. Seconds later I feel sad and scared, almost like a little baby, helpless. I begin to think about my father, and how much he cares about me, and I'm able to accept it and cry for the first time in a year.

+5:00 I'm drinking insane amounts of water. I can never seem to get enough.

+11:30 I'm a pretty big stoner, and I tried DXM once, but I've never felt anything like this. It's so close to soberness at times that I even question if I'm really on a drug at all, then shifts into boundless thoughts and ideas. The entire idea of reality begins to melt away and I realize that nothing is real. That is what I love about this drug! My sense of time is completely gone. It's been almost 12 hours since I took the dose. And I'm still feeling strange. I can remember taking the dose, and it seems so amazingly far, and yet close.

Okay, well the experience is over (after 15 hours). During the peak, I became uncontrollably emotional, crying into my pillow for minutes at a time. Music was also really interesting: I was able to listen to it forever, and if my mind didn't like what was being played, it simply switched it off. Sometimes I didn't hear anything, when I realized I did.

I truly cannot describe what this drug is like. I had an absolute blast, although I would have liked to have had more marijuana and some friends along for the ride. Oh well.

Tips: This drug made me VERY VERY thirsty, although at first I did not want water, it was a very very good idea to have a lot nearby. I drank close to 5 gallons in a period of 12 hours with no stopping. I want more water!

The trip can be scary. But I reminded myself that it's only a drug. I did 2 hits alone, on my first time. It was stupid. Be smarter then I am and get a sitter. And don't fucking take too much.

Have fun and be safe!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61840
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2009Views: 5,910
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LSD (2) : Alone (16), General (1)

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