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No Reality Beyond This Point
LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy), 2C-B & Cannabis
by M
Citation:   M. "No Reality Beyond This Point: An Experience with LSD, MDMA (Ecstasy), 2C-B & Cannabis (exp61884)". Dec 3, 2009.

T+ 0:00
3.5 tablets   MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 3 hits   LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00     2C-B  
  T+ 0:00 2 hits   LSD  
  T+ 0:45 2 hits   LSD  
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Before I begin to share my experience, I must say that I am only 15. Now, with that said, I am much more experienced with drugs than most 15 year olds. I have decided to share this trip with others before I forget what happened.

To fully explain why my experience was so odd, I must travel even further back. It was an amazing day for a concert. My three older friends and I, lets just call them J, L, and N decided to go see a Trey Anastasio show. For those of you that don't know, Trey Anastasio was the front man of an amazing band called Phish. Basically, this day was going to be one of the best experiences of my life. With a bottle full of very strong MDMA, a few 2CBs, some opium, and of course, some cannabis, we ventured to the show.

The show was a mind-blowing experience, and while we were there we traded some of our MDMA for some extremely potent LSD. I took 3 triple dipped tabs, while I was already rolling off of 3.5 rolls. In case there are those out there who don't know, that means I took 9 hits of acid. Once we got back to our hotel, I took the 2cb. I was feeling amazing.

However, about two hours after we got back to the hotel, my mind went completely blank. I can not remember one single moment of consciousness from that point until about 6 in the morning. From what my friends tell me, I was continuously walking throughout the room, standing on tables, and not speaking a word. I still don't know exactly what happened to me. But I know for sure that I was not psychedelically sleepwalking, as I was not the least bit tired when I 'fell out of consciousness'.

Now, for the actual story.

About two months later, J and L told me that they had a sheet of some ridiculous acid. Of course, I accepted when they asked me to trip with them. It was all set that we would get a hotel room at the holiday inn just downtown. But, things don't always go as planned. Even though we had gotten very little snow all year, the weather just decided to snow about a foot. This meant that no one was aloud to drive. We weren't about to let a little thing like snow come in the way of us tripping, so we all just decided to go to L's house. I took a train over, bringing my Nintendo 64, a pastel set, and a sketchbook.

About ten minutes after arriving, they asked if we should start dosing, as it was only 5 PM. Without pausing, we all dropped 2 hits. About 45 minutes later, we all agreed we were feeling something, but we needed a bit more. So, J gave me 2 or 3 more hits. We went upstairs to L's room to come up. L and I started to feel a little sick, but nothing significant. All of a sudden, it hit me. A completely white lamp turned rainbow and patterns were everywhere. I told the group, but only L agreed. So, J decided to take more.

Due to the storm, it was very difficult to find any weed. Eventually, we got a dealer, RC, to drive to us. We waited for him outside for what seemed like hours. But I didn't mind much because for some reason it felt as if I could not get cold. Also, the patterns our feet would make with the snow were beautiful.

Finally, RC came through with a dank quarter. We went inside, and got dried off. J continuously ate more, as we went into the basement to 'dry our clothes'. This was just an excuse to her parents so that we could blaze in the basement.

We went down, and began to toke. This, of course, heightened the acid very much. At this point, I was starting to peak. Everything began to turn into lines of energy. This is where things began to get foggy. I can then remember everything starting to flash in different extremely vibrant colors. I could feel every inch of my body become pixilated. It felt as though a million dull needles were pressing against my body. It was not necessarily a bad feeling, just very odd. Out loud, I then stated 'It's coming again'. This was, subconsciously, referring to the night I tripped in the hotel.

The room then turned into a giant maze with the colors still changing. It was not necessarily the kind of maze one would think of. I, actually, can not describe in words what exactly it was. All I knew was that there was a strong voice saying 'you MUST get out of this maze, or you will die'. At this point I could hardly control my body. I started running around the maze, and climbing up it. I could not control my voice either. I distinctly remember screaming 'Oh MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD'. There was no reality anymore. I did not know anything of real life. All there was was me and the maze.

Now, this may sound like I was having an extremely bad trip. However, in my mind, I kept remembering that I had just taken acid and this will be over at some point. I kept thinking to myself 'I might die, alright. Let's just see where this goes'. However, out loud I was still yelling. J covered my mouth because L's parents were directly upstairs. J said to me 'It's ok, you're just having a bad trip, and you’ll be fine'. I knew this, and I believed him. But, my body would not let me stop. I continued running and getting out of my maze. Finally, I made it out. J and L looked extremely scared. Again, I had absolutely no recollection of what had just happened.

Now, you may be asking yourself how I retold that if I had no recollection. I will explain that later.

J and L explained to me what I had just done. From what they said, it sounded like I just screamed once very loudly. I was still very disoriented, and had trouble doing anything normally. Although, now, at least I had somewhat of a sense of reality. I apologized greatly to L. However, we later found out her parents did not hear. We went back upstairs to L's room to try and sort out what had happened.

We turned on the Nintendo, and tried to play. I looked down at the controller, and then realized I could not see what it was whatsoever. I then, forgot completely what a Nintendo controller was. I did not tell the others because I could barely speak. It took an extreme amount of effort to do anything. L then turned to me and said she did not think I should do any more acid. I said nothing. I forgot how to communicate. In my head, I thought 'What is acid?'. I then began to think about life. I could not remember the simplest things such as what death was, or how it occurs. I could not even remember that one needs to eat to survive.

Everything was a giant blur, when suddenly BAM. It all came back. I told them both that I was fine, and did not have a bad trip. Throughout the rest of the night I was a little quiet, but still had a great trip. Slowly, very few parts came back to my memory. About a week later, I remembered almost everything else from that part of the trip. However, there are still parts today I can not quite pinpoint exactly what happened.

I think there is a small link between my first blank out, and my second experience. However, I do not think that they were in any way the same thing. The second one was by far more intense and psychological than the first. I have also thought about how my age may have effected what happened to me. After this experience, I have decided to take a little hiatus from acid. However, it won’t be too long.

Finally, one effect that I love that has come from this experience is that previous to this trip, I very seldom remembered my dreams. Now, every night I have the most vivid dreams I have ever had that I remember the next day.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61884
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 15
Published: Dec 3, 2009Views: 7,819
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LSD (2) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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