A Balance of High and Low Frequencies
Citation:   Kidcorrect. "A Balance of High and Low Frequencies: An Experience with Crack (exp61903)". Erowid.org. Sep 25, 2009. erowid.org/exp/61903

  smoked Crack
    oral Crack
Note: I do not explain the experience of smoking crack here, at little about the come-down. This is an explaination of my expiriment with a come-down coping 'technique'.

Trying to deal with the definite issue of coping with crack cocaine 'come-downs' in the daytime, I decided to eat half of the $5 piece. To do so, I crumbled it as best I could, split it into two piles, and placed each pile into empty gel capsules. When it looked like the other half of the $5 pile had about a half-hour or forty-five minutes of smoke-time left, I ate one of the pills. A half-hour later, I ate the other pill. fifteen minutes after that I finished smoking and went to work. I did feel blank for a short while, but not particularity negative in the hours that followed.

The time-table was 30-45 minutes as to allow the ingested cocaine to enter my bloodstream both while I was still high and after the smoked cocaine was beginning to lessen in my body. At the end of the day I felt quite good, and had an extra bit of energy throughout. Two major error-possibilities arise when I wonder whether my experience would equqate to 'the general experience': I only smoked $2.50 worth that day, I don't have a tolerance or much (bodily) experience with the drug. Another factor that comes to mind is digestion-rate. Mine seems to be about 45 minutes, thus I set my plans to follow.

One further point of note: I did seem to 'crave' the drug more than usual in the days following my smoke-and-eat experiment. Dependence is an interplay of psyche and physiology, always.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 25, 2009Views: 8,953
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Crack (82) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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