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Veggie Burger Recipe
Citation:   sayora. "Veggie Burger Recipe: An Experience with Cannabis (exp6199)". Feb 16, 2002.

  oral Cannabis (plant material)
I've recently come down with allergies, which means that whenever I smoke I end up coughing and hacking. I would like to give marijuana smokers a simple alternative to ingesting cannabis without the hacking. I know there are other recipes on preparing cannabis, but I found this fast, effective and tasty!

What you need:

1 veggie burger. I used Garden Burger's Savory Mushroom. Any type will do. If you eat meat, use hamburger... A joint's amount of weed. I was lucky to have some nice bud, so I ended up using less than a joint. NOTE: Make sure you remove all seeds and stems!

Put veggie burger in microwave for about a minute. Remove. Mash veggie burger with hands or a fork. (whatever's clever) Evenly sprinkle marijuana on veggie burger. Mix and mash veggie burger & weed. (Re)-shape into a patty. Place patty on wax paper. Place in microwave for about a minute and a half. Take out, and enjoy as you would a regular hamburger! NOTE: Weed in the microwave will give off a smell, but it's very faint and goes away after a moment...

Not only is this tasty, but I didn't cough up a lung! In my experience, it took around 30-35 minutes for the buzz to set in, (similar to LSD) but the high lasted in excess of four hours! Be prepared! I had a nice, calm, stony buzz.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6199
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 16, 2002Views: 18,770
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Cannabis (1) : Not Applicable (38), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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