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Not Desirable for Me
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   Willedsmithmo. "Not Desirable for Me: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp62040)". Aug 10, 2018.

16 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
I had taken doses of 5 grams and 7 grams the previous week, but to little or no effect. I feel that I know my mind well, regularly smoke cannabis, and have tried p cubensis, truffles, and salvia 5x.

For this experience I was surrounded by friends (who took doses of around 5 grams but to no effect) I ate lightly (a banana) beforehand and ate the mushrooms as quick as I could - they were purchased online and baked at 200F to release more muscimol (as is the standard). The setting began in my friends room, but I knew I would probably want to be outside in the garden at some point - tripping loves nature and it was a lovely day.

T+1.5 hours - I had smoked about 1 gram of Cannabis by this time, and noticed that my (normally perfect) vision could not focus on the houses across the street, they were blurred and out of focus.

T+2 hours - Vision was getting more and more short sighted - I was wondering if it was just going to keep going.

T+2.5 hours - By now, I could only focus on things about a foot in front of me - anything else was unfocusable no matter how hard I tried to focus.
T+2.5 hours - By now, I could only focus on things about a foot in front of me - anything else was unfocusable no matter how hard I tried to focus.
This was not uncomfortable - merely weird, as if my eye was locked in the close-up focus mode, my lens not shifting at all. I did not feel any different internally than I normally would after smoking. It felt as though there was a kind of halo of sweat surrounding me, but I was not actually sweaty when I felt for it - must have just been an increase in body temperature.

T+3 hours- We had been out in the garden for around an hour playing a bit of basketball and enjoying the long grass, and I discovered that I can see anything in focus through a manual focus camera, which was nice because I felt rather detached from everything further than few feet away with my mushroom vision.

T+3.5 hours - We returned indoors and I did a drawing and watched some very very out of focus family guy until my long range vision fully returned at about T+ 8 hours.
my long range vision fully returned at about T+ 8 hours.

I did not notice any internal effects asides from slight energy bursts/excitement, and only felt very slightly higher than was effective from the Cannabis (perhaps just placebo). I thought that 16 grams was considered a fairly high dose, but there was no sign of tripping at all here.

I don't think that Fly Agarics are suited to me - mainly because they seemed to simply make me short sighted for about 5 hours!
It's been said before but I will back it up - these are nothing like Psilocybin mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 10, 2018Views: 1,188
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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