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Heavy Dose, Extremely Low Effect
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   ngaethnoman. "Heavy Dose, Extremely Low Effect: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp62073)". Jul 31, 2018.

9.5 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
I consumed about 9.5 grams of amanita muscaria purchased from an online store. These particular were a Washington variety and I had a Latvian variety as well. This was my first experice with amanita.

About an hour and half maybe two hours into it I was fighting sleep. Apparently one effect these things do have is a very strong sedative feel, I don't know if that's characteristic of muscimol or not. At about the two and half hour mark I noticed that my equilibrium, as far as my balance and motor skills are concerned, was definitely off, but nothing major. I was able to drive to the liquor store in the middle of all this, so it's obviously not debilitating at all. I came out thinking that it was a bad experience because of the lack thereof, looking back in retrospect I think the only problem was my expectation
in retrospect I think the only problem was my expectation

These are not psilocybin, nowhere close. These amanitas in my experience have a slight delirium potential, I vaguely got that, I did not experience any of the nausea commonly associated with these. It's not a bad high in my opinion as long as you know that it is just that, a high, nothing more, sometimes maybe less, depending on dosage. As long as expectations are in the right place.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62073
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2018Views: 933
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