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Addictive Candies
Citation:   HoldinBanks. "Addictive Candies: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp62251)". Nov 30, 2020.

  repeated oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
    repeated oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
Ok well, these are my experiences with hydrocodone, which has lead me to a whole new perspective on this very relaxing, and extremely addictive drug.

About 3 weeks ago I had my wisdom teeth pulled and got a prescription of vicodin for the pain. I had 25 pills to be exact, and they really helped me forget about the extreme pain, I would be in for the week that was ahead of me. I started with 2 at a time, and that did the trick, I took 2 and about 3-4 hours later I would take 2 more, the feeling was great. I felt so incredibly tired, but awake, mellow, like I was high on weed, and drunk. I was out of hydros in about 4 days. I got the prescription refilled, and had 12 more pills. They were gone in about 2 days. That’s when the withdrawal kicked in.

I started bumming the Tylenol with codeine off my mom, in about 3 days she was “out” or so she said, but I kept finding 2-4 pills in her pill cases, I just took them, chewed them up, and waited for them to kick in, I felt the warm feeling take over my head, then my body, and just sank into the comfort like a big lazy boy. Pretty soon she was really out of them, but I liked the hydros much more anyhow.

I got ahold of some cash and contacted some people, I bought 15 hydros, by then I knew I was hooked, I took 4 at around 11:00pm, and stayed up long enough (around 1:00am) and took 2 more, then crashed out, I woke up feeling normal and craving, I went to my fridge and grabbed a coke, then downed three, and enjoyed them, I took 3 more, throughout the day I took almost all of them. They were gone by the next day, don’t ask me what I remember because I don’t, I remember feeling like I might as well be slamming heroin.

Then I bought 15 more of the 7.5s, I took 10-12 in one day, and just remember feeling so worn out by the end of the day, I was nodding off in a chair, listening to my friends go on and on about people they liked and hated, I didn’t let them know I was totally fucked up, or that I did any drugs at all, but I don’t know how they couldn’t tell, my eyes weren’t even open, I was slurring my words, I got up and did 23 pushups, to give me a blood rush, it worked and I was twice as fucked up for a little while longer. I’m on them right now, Tommarow I am getting 35 so I hope I will be good for about 3 days. I love hydros, I am addicted, I love it though. I used to be addicted to cocaine, and I enjoy hydros more.

All in all hydros kick ass, and I will take them for a long ass time. Thumnbs up for hydros.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62251
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 30, 2020Views: 1,069
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Hydrocodone (111) : First Times (2), Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Glowing Experiences (4), Not Applicable (38)

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