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Nice Euphoria, but Awfull Dysphoria
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Prodigal|Son. "Nice Euphoria, but Awfull Dysphoria: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp62324)". Jun 27, 2018.

1.5 tablets oral MDMA
My first experience with MDMA was when I went to this big dance party that students at my university put together every year. I was pretty excited about going, like every year and really wanted to roll. It’s pretty underground, although it has gotten more attention in the past few years, especially by the cops.

My friend and I did one and a half of these 'hang ten' tablets, which had an imprint of a hand with a thumb and the pinky extended. We chewed them and then swallowed them with water. They tasted like shit and it was hard to get the taste out of my mouth for a while. I was pretty full from a dinner I had right before, so it took about an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes to kick in. I'm a fairly experienced drug user, smoked cannabis for many years, done mushrooms 20+ times, a few pills, but my first time trying an amphetamine. Alcohol is served at this party, but it's not a good idea to drink alcohol while you roll, so I sipped on a bottle of water every hour, making sure that I don't over drink or under drink.

About 45 minutes after I had taken the pills, I started feeling slight anxiety, almost mushroom like. It came on slowly and I could tell when it plateaued, but with mushrooms I never know when I’m going to plateau. I noticed the colors were a little different, for example the flame from my Zippo lighter was a very light yellow color, almost transparent and sounds were a little louder, which helped me hear people talk because the music was very loud. The euphoria felt really good, but not as strong as I would have thought. It felt like a mix of cannabis and psilocybin.
It felt like a mix of cannabis and psilocybin.
I had a big smile on my face the whole time. I was telling my girlfriend how hot she was and she'd always reply 'You're still rolling'. It felt really good to touch, especially since I had a girl dancing with me.

About two hours later, I had come down. My head started hurting, but I was still very awake, just exhausted. I had a hard time sleeping for about three hours, but I finally fell asleep. I don’t remember much, there are big holes in my memory from the party.

The next day I woke up, I felt fine, no hangover that I noticed, but a couple days later the depression from the lack of serotonin hit me like a freight train. It was awful, I’ve never had depression so I never knew how much it really sucked. On Monday I had a hard time concentrating in class, started smoking cigarettes like no tomorrow, felt like I was going to cry, and would not socialize much. I even had phone calls that I didn’t return for 2 days. All in all, the euphoria was nice, but I think I’ll stick with shrooms as my psychedelic of choice.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62324
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 746
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MDMA (3) : Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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