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The Harmony of Space
Citation:   Mr. Jenkins. "The Harmony of Space: An Experience with DMT (exp62338)". Aug 10, 2018.

2 hits smoked DMT
I came across this drug DMT (quartz crystal like batch) after searching for it for a number of years. But from what I hear I was lucky enough to get it sooner than later. It's nearly impossible to buy for most of us, and the only other way to try it is to make it.

The experiece.
It is me and my friend Mr. Garfield (pseudonim) who are readying the bubbler, so that the dmt can be burned properly. It is ready and I breathe a couple of deep slow breaths to remove my nerveousness. I am ready and Mr. Garfield starts torching the litle crystal, that's between two zigzag papers. I inhale slowly and then stronger as much as I can hold in my lungs. I wait what seems like a long time of 20 seconds and exhale. We wait a few minutes, and I feel pretty detached but no halucinations or visuals. I take a second deep hit. This one is much better. The dmt smoke is not as unpleasant as people might say, it is smooth, and much less harsh than cigarete or any such.

I am very relaxed now. I just lean back on the couch without thinking, and it's very hard to move my body, even though I am very skinny. I close my eyes. There is the space. I could see the harmony of space. All my worries are gone, and I don't want to open my eyes, but my friend, who is loading some bud into the bubbler insists I stay awake, so I am back to this world. I watch him with the biggest interest loading a ball of weed into the bubbler, and hiting it hoping to get a some dmt effect of the microscopic left overs on the piece.

What must be 5 minutes into the experience, I start laughing uncontrolably and almost everything is hilarious. I could feel the dmt high is slowing and starting to disintegrate. I feel really well, and looking trough a new perspective, but still hard to controll my body. The effect wears of by 10 mins, except for a slight headedness, and the heavier weight of my body. 30 mins pass, and I am almost back to normal. I feel very hungry, and head to get some food.

It's defintely different from anything else. A second seems like eternity and I could touch the mysteries of the universe, and feel their power but grasp at trying to define it in words. Our reality is merely, a small part of what Reality means.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62338
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 10, 2018Views: 847
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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