The Limit
Kratom (15X Extract)
Citation:   Wraistlingill. "The Limit: An Experience with Kratom (15X Extract) (exp62355)". Sep 6, 2019.

4 g oral Kratom (tea)
Kratom has become a great ally in a world where stress seems to play a factor more so than not. With this in mind I happily ordered some 15X Kratom powder from a reputable online shop.

(Note: The night before I had around 2 grams of Kratom 15X tea)

Having just got home from work I decided that I'd go ahead and make me a cup of tea. At around 7:15 I started to boil up around 2 cups of water on the stove with the loose Kratom powder. Since I don't overly enjoy the taste of 15X Kratom I also put a cup with less than a 1/3 cup water in the microwave with a popular peppermint flavored sleepy time tea. After letting the tea slow boil for 15 minutes I added in another 3/4 cup of water and continue to let it boil for another 10 minutes. This left me with about 2 1/2 cups of total liquid when combined with the peppermint tea. By this point the wifey had made it home from work and was ready for dinner. Having not had eaten for around 6 hours I figured I'd drink the tea then eat around 30 minutes later. So it was, after the tea cooled I drank it down in around 15 minutes. Then I figured 20 or so minutes we'd go grab some dinner.

By this time I had noticed a very nice zingy relaxed smiley feeling. So I told the misses that I was ready as I tipped back the cup and drank a big mouthful of grainy bottom-o-the-cup liquid. The chicken place was about 5 minutes away. Once in the drive thru I noticed that I was starting to feel something similiar to motion sickness. It would almost instantly shift from a good feeling to a passing out kind of feeling. Luckily once we left the drive thru all was better. So now heading back to the abode I can't help but notice that everything has a wobbly property to it. Once we get in the house I think to myself, 'wow, this stuff is kicking in.' Just as I ponder if I should eat now or wait I start getting the sick waves again, so decide to eat and it would probably go away. It's now around 10pm and I realize that bright light sources tend to make the nausea worse so I turn out all the lights. Usually this stuff sends waves and waves of massaging gravitational pulses to me in higher doses. This time however it's more like a constant barage of wind and rain, not letting up. For some reason I even had trouble focusing my eye sight on one spot for more than a couple seconds if at a distance of more than 5 feet. If I tried my eyes would sorta flutter and I'd have to close them for a few seconds and reopen them. This only lasted around 30 minutes though. After that I noticed a desire to be close to the floor...not laying down, but crouched. It was comforting and seemed to let the opiate-like slamming go by more enjoyably.

After I passed the stuck-on-the-floor phase I laid on the couch with the misses and phased in and out of a sleep like mode for a couple hours, I think we watched a movie or some reality show. She wanted her back rubbed which I did. Though I think it might have felt better for me than her. Around 12:30 she let me know she was ready for bed if I was and that was about it. The next morning I awoke, still feeling a slight wave passing over me.

Overall I'd say I was at the limit, or maybe even past, of a kratom experience. It was enjoyable to some extent but I feel it was probably a waste of a little bit of kratom that I could have saved for the next time.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62355
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 6, 2019Views: 1,075
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Personal Preparation (45), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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