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A Construction Paper World
Salvia divinorum (Salvia)
Citation:   Seashell. "A Construction Paper World: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (Salvia) (exp62360)". Jul 17, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
  T+ 0:05 1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I went to visit a friend in Philadelphia. We were planning to go out and see the city, but we were inhibited by a freak freezing rain storm in April. My friend had been going through a 'legal drug phase' recently, and brought out his recent purchases for us to admire. He (A) had never done salvia before, but had a 10X extract. His friend My boyfriend (K), who was also there had done salvia before, but had not had a positive experience. He did not elaborate on this. I had not done salvia before, but decided since I, too, had been a little into the legal drug scene lately, it was something that I would be willig to try. We decided to try smoking the salvia out of a water bong, and A tried first. As soon as he got done smoking, he said 'Hey, yeah, this stuff is pretty cool.' And just sat there watching the TV, on which a DVD of Caribou videos (Marino) was playing. I was a little tentative since my boyfriend had had a bad experience, but A's friend J said, 'So I'll try it if someone else does, who's coming with me?' and I said that I would.

I smoked one hit, held it in my lungs. Nothing happened. I passed the bong to J. He loaded it and smoked. He seemed relaxed. K decided to give savlia another try since we all were, and loaded and smoked. He also seemed relaxed. I was annoyed I didn't feel anything, and tried another hit. This time I took a bigger hit, held it in my lungs for what felt like an eternity. I liked the way the smoke felt in my lungs, it was a very cool sensation. I exhaled, and was setting the bong on the floor while saying 'Nothing happened again!' when something happened. All I could see was a bright reddish pink color. It was pleasant, but completely overwhelming. All I knew about the world was pink, I didn't know who I was, where I was, or that anything else existed. My only reality pink.

After soaking this in for a bit, I slowly began to realize that I was part of this pinkness, and the pink I was seeing was construction paper. I realized that I was part of this big construction paper world. I also realize, due to a pressure on my leg that someone was slowly cutting out my appendages from the rest of the construction paper world so that I could have a body. Even though I was not unhappy to be part of the construction paper world, I was very happy that I would be able to move around on my own. When the 'master cutter' as I was envisioning this person to be was done cutting my legs, I moved them ever so slightly. It felt good to have my own legs. Then my arms were cut out. A pressure I was feeling on my right arm dissipated, and I realized that it was free.

This whole time, I had been sitting on a couch next to K, and he was sitting next to J. The real world started to come into view and I saw J's face. I was so happy to see him. I wanted to show him my arm's were free, so I began to move them ever so slightly up and down and kept this movement up. All the time, I was laughing because I was so happy to move my arms. I thought J understood, and that he had been cut free, too. I looked to K to show him my arms. He gave me a look as if I were crazy. I said 'Well, you just don't understand!' He didn't respond. I was confused, but didn't dwell on my confusion.

I then realized the TV, and saw the videos. A cartoon of a man riding a horse, who both seemed to be out of construction paper, were on the TV. I looked at J to see if he realized the man and horse had been set free by the master cutter as well. He realized I was looking at him, and said 'That's your horse!' I realized it was my horse. How did that man get my horse? Where was he taking him? I wished I had my horse back, but I was glad to see him. 'Oh yeah!' I said. J was still talking about how the man had my horse, but I was laughing. I couldn't contain my laughter. K was looking at me as if I were crazy, still. I said 'Why don't you understand?' and went to the bathroom. When I was in the bathroom, I realized I had a 'permasmile', one of those smiles that you can't control. I slowly began to realize that my construction paper world had been a hallucination, and tried to get myself under control. I worried that maybe I had been / said/ or done something really weird when I had been in this other world. I tried not to worry about it, and went into the other room.

The others were still watching TV, and I said 'You guys, I just thought I was a piece of construction paper. They all started laughing, and said one of the videos had been figures that were all made out of construction paper. I also realized at that time that J had been feeding my hallucination by telling me that the horse was mine. Things started to really make sense again.

The rest of the night, I was very happy and relaxed. I laughed a lot, but part of that was due to marjuana that we smoked later. All in all, I really enjoyed my salvia experience and am looking forward to trying it again.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62360
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 17, 2017Views: 946
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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