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The Trek
Huasca Combo (B. caapi & DMT)
Citation:   Mayaknoll. "The Trek: An Experience with Huasca Combo (B. caapi & DMT) (exp62447)". Mar 11, 2008.

T+ 0:00
50 g oral Banisteriopsis caapi (tea)
  T+ 0:30 50 mg oral DMT (capsule)
I decided that for my first ayahusca expericence I should try it in the outdoors. I ended up going to the bike trails I used to take when I was a kid. The trails go for miles, and the chances of being bothered at night were slim. So I arrive at the trails about 11pm, and about that time I drank about 50 grams worth of caapi.

About fifteen minuets later I'm starting to be able to tell that the caapi is going to work, so I bust out my little zen player, and as I'm messing with it I stepped onto something with a little cushion. Well it didn't automatically register, and I kept on moving about 5 feet till I looked back and saw that I stepped onto a medium sized snake. Right about there I started having second thoughts about my adventure. No matter the snakes and a few pesky spider webs littering the trail, the music calmed me enough to head on down the trail.

About thirty minuets into the caapi I took the DMT pill. Well about 45 minuets later I'm hacking my way down the trail and having a pretty good body high, not really having an visuals until a dead mesquito dead center the trail is hanging from a thread of spider silk. This stopped me in my tracks and was in sync with stinkfist coming onto my zen player. As I stared at it I saw in the background a faint spider web ballooning outwards and as I tried to focus my light on it I realized that it was a hallucination.

I sat there and watched the mosquito dance in the wind, in time to the music I was hearing. Very assume. Well I moved on deeper into the woods, and about thirty minuites later the trip starts really getting involved, in a good way. Feelings I haven't felt since the last time I tripped on mushrooms suddenly came to me in a powerfull way. I came to a clearing on the woodline and I stopped there to admire its beauty, the leaves made like an arch to let the traveler see the moon gently cradled in clouds over the tall grass moving in the wind.

At about 1:00am I'm tripping pretty good, good enough to loose my way on the trail. I start having a slight panic attack cause I knew the worst was to come and I didn't want to do it in the middle of the woods, with snakes and spiders and no clue where I'm at. So it takes me about thirty minutes to finally stumble unto the right path back to my car, and about another 25 minuets to reach it. By the time I get back I'm tripping very good, nature is truly beautiful at night, no way to describe it. I leave my backpack at the car and I head down to the picnic table underneath a huge maple tree. I layed down on top of the table and listened to a very tribal song by white zombie.

Towards the end of the song I can feel the trip starting to take a turn, at first it felt good, but a few minuets pass and I instantly realize I'm going on the carnival ride to the truth I last visited on mushrooms, to the pain of dying in the viod, of buring disreality. I layed there squirming on the picnic table, because it felt like I was dying in the cold. It started to feel like I was being sucked down by a swirl and at the same time being tumbled in a dryer. I don't really know how to put exactly what thought was causing my distress but I know it had to do with dying in a cold void alone, and somehow this was gods pain.

I definantly wasen't enjoying the trip anymore, I had lost my basic motor capabilities and wasn't able to focus my eyes on anything at all. Somehow, after some torment, I got up and stumbled down the sidewalk to try to get to my car. At this point I'm really glad that nobody else was around cause they would've definantly called the police. I couldn't walk a straight line, and started tumbling down into the tree line. That was horrifying, cause I couldn't get out. I fought the ayahusca cause I started to feel it take me out of my world and into its. It was kinda like the simpsons when they went 3d. Well, it also felt like the matrix, really sythenic kind of trip.

So I'm unable to get back on my feet, and I'm rolling around in this thorn patch. Every time I fell on my back I'd keep falling long after my body hit the ground, and at the same time being tormented by gods pain over and over. Images of stephen kings 'it' was revolving in my head. Mutiple forces were driving me: I died in the lonley sewer in some clowns evil game, I died underneath a bridge, I died on the side of the road, and came back to life as a cactus blooms in the desert(planet earth show), and the morning sky, and when keanu realizes he's the one and bursts from the core.

The cycle of falling in circles while dying and being rebirthed was accompanied by vomiting and the fact that the fucking thorns and grass were reconstituting my body. It slithered on my skin and I could taste it in my mouth, the plants were eating me, and really they were. All I could do was hyperventilate and muter omfg and yawasuca and being sorry about coming there (I was unwelcome). Finally, after some time I was able to focuse my energy on operating my body to get free of that damn thorn bush and getting to my car.

I realized that I had a really difficult time operating my hands, I wasn't able to feel the objects I was handling, and the feeling of being tumbled in a dryer was more pronounced. But finally I got to my car, and checking the time was surprised to see it was 5:00am. But all went good, I made it through with just some deep scratches from the thorns all over my body and some kind of welts on my back, and a new found respect for my everyday illusion of sanity.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62447
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2008Views: 10,299
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Huasca Combo (269), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), DMT (18) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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