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All Meth Isn't Evil
Citation:   a junkie. "All Meth Isn't Evil: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp6249)". Feb 18, 2002.

  repeated insufflated Methamphetamine (powder / crystals)
I had done some meth on a previous occasion a couple weeks ago, and decided I just did not like not being in control of what I buy (I spent 90 bucks in one morning, all but 10 bucks of my party money). Tonight, I wasn't able to find some K, so I was in a bad mood, while my friends were tripping on acid and some meth, and our dealer-friend had been awake for 8 days already. I wasn't high, I was gunna bring down my friends' highs, so I figured what the hey, I'll buy a 20 sack (pretty fat, at least 200mg). I did about 4 bumps off a key immediately.

Immediately I started feeling better about the night. I was perkier, I was smiling, and I knew everything would be ok. At this point, our tweeker friend took the wheel. I have a convertible, so we drove with the top down, and I felt almost as if I could have jumped out of the car and started flying. I knew I wouldn't, and didn't try, but I still had the feeling.

We ended up at an apartment where about 5 other people were mostly smoking meth. I did another small line from my sack, and was giving another bump to smoke. I'm not very fond of smoking it, it's much too complicated, and if you don't have a glass piece (they did), you're probably smoking from a lightbulb. Nothing exciting happened, and we ended up going back out after I took another fat bump. After that one, I became intrigued with staring at my eyes to see if they would dilate immediately after the bump. They seemed to flicker back and fourth, but didn't get too big.

I began to realize this was a better quality meth than what I had previously done. I later found out it's called 'pink champagne', but it looked all white to me, our friend said it has a brownish tint too. The most notable affect was NO FIENDING FOR MORE. I could take some, and stop, and not want any more. I was very talkative at this point, and getting into a great mood now. I was constantly telling my friends how great my life was now and how great the meth I got from this guy is, and how much I appreciated it.

We went to Denny's, and after drinking some OJ, I began to feel really tired, knew I needed another bump. I also felt hungry, but I knew I couldn't eat, which persisted long afterward. I couldn't wait anymore, and went into the bathroom. I came back out with a smile on my face. Now we began to head for a great park, and I killed off my bag with two more bumps on the way there.

We found a great field with lots of wildflowers, and while walking through there, we were each treated to another bump. The walk was very pleasant, but also very humid. We all sweated profusely. We went to a playground, and I got another bump, also ended up being my last. I played for awhile with my new burst of energy, then sat on the swings with my friends. We all sat there for what seemed forever. As I was coming down off this bump, I just felt a general well-being. I didn't need anymore meth. I wasn't unhappy that I didn't have more. My friends confirmed this themselves. It was perfect. I even felt like going home and giving my mom a big hug, as she's been very worried about me lately.

We spent another 5 or 6 hours cruising around the beach and just driving around. I got drowsy in the back seat, and had a few 30 second 'tweeker naps' which made me feel more energetic. I would constantly stare at things and not a thought would go through my head for moments, a common occurence during and after use for me that night. I really felt happy, and I loved the people I was with, as if there was X in that meth, which I doubt. I talked to everyone constantly, whether they were listening or not, sometimes simply mumbling. But the best part was I wasn't fiending for more meth. We all agreed it was a much better quality, cleaner, safer.

At one point I ended up in a store talking to myself about finding the cheapest bottle of water until I realized the lady beside me must think I'm crazy. On the way driving everyone home, I began to pass out, not a fun thing, but I never got into real trouble. Talking or saying the ABC's to myself helps me keep awake. I also had a tendency to watch the road and something just would not seem right. Cars might seem really far, and I had a tendency to pay attention to things other than the road.

While I write this now, I'm seeing mild visual distortions. Blurryness, slight double vision, sparkles in my peripherals. It's been only 29 hours since I last had real sleep, and I had had quite a bit. I don't feel like sleeping, although my body is tired. I haven't had any meth for the last 7 hours. I don't feel like I need any more, but I'll probably do more in a couple weeks or so.

Meth is a very dangerous substance. I had given up on it until this night, because it's so addictive. But never during the night did I feel like I needed to have more meth just to have more. When I was done, I was done, I wasn't disappointed. The come-down was very mellow and I had a feeling of well-being, like everything was alright in the world. Rarely did I feel tired, and it always eventually went away, leaving me pretty awake. (I've also felt this with other meth, feeling tired then having it disappear as my body perhaps figures out it's not getting any more bumps) I would be VERY careful with anything but this kind -- I always try to get a sample bump, give myself 5-10 minutes to see if I really want more, and if I don't, I don't buy any of that meth.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6249
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2002Views: 56,817
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Methamphetamine (37) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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