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Delirious + Hobo Jim
Dextromethophan & Dimenhydrinate
Citation:   delirious. "Delirious + Hobo Jim: An Experience with Dextromethophan & Dimenhydrinate (exp62506)". Mar 16, 2018.

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19 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
  16 tablets oral DXM (pill / tablet)
[Erowid Note: Most Coricidin contains CPM (Chlorpheniramine Maleate) which can be dangerous in high doses. See DXM Brand Warnings for more info.]
I remember saying something like 'I feel a bit light headed' it was a night like any other on a 2 week long dxm binge. very strange on dxm my girlfriend and i had gone to a supermarket to acquire some OTC drugs we had purchased all but two boxes of CCC's so i agreed to let my girlfriend get the CCC's. but what was i to do? i recalled my AA sponsor telling me he had tripped of Dramamine I was a bit reluctant but i decided to throw cation to the wind and try it. i had asked another friend and he cautioned me strongly not to do it he mentioned it as a 'deliriant' i figured then it was like DXM boy was I wrong.

so we get back to the pad around 4 pm and took 19 Dramamine and 16 CCC's that my girl didn’t want and laid in my bed for about an hour prepared for an intense onset when it hit me it hit me hard but at the same time very subtle every thing appeared very clear and vivid. I glanced over at one of my tapestry and it began to warp similar to the peak of a peyote trip it startled me somewhat to actually get visuals from a motion sickness drug. phish was blaring in the background I remember getting up to turn on my strobe light to groove but as I looked down and noticed my legs were missing at the knee I looked away with an intense wince but soon there after forgot (looking back on this trip i now believe I suffered a sort of induced psychosis/amnesia) I thought to myself bathroom would be nice right now I somehow managed to get up and look down at my feet and noticed the green cropping of my oriental rug running up my leg like the roots of a plant some how managed to stager my way to the bathroom but in the 25 mins it took me to get there I forgot why I was there then it to me another few minutes to get back to my bed but when I got there my girlfriend was gone I was confused I was concerned that I was losing my mind i wasn’t sure if she was ever even there when I looked back down at bed there was a scruffy man he said his name was hobo jim but that he was late and had to go okay I said I was a little perplexed I laid in my bed alone for what seemed like hours. my girlfriend looked over at me from were 'hobo jim' was laying and said 'who the fuck are you talking to' 'what does that mean i said' she looked at me confused 'huh' she said 'what are you saying' woah I yelled the white noise in my room was now unbearable small blue diamond shaped flashes were catching my attention your fucking with me I said to her 'baby what are you even talking about' she said I haven’t said any thing its all in your mind even tough I saw her say it the trip was so real I didn’t know what to think. I soon was over come by waves of what I like to call the fear (waves of inexplicable fear and paranoia)i started to hiccup furiously my girlfriend looked over at me and started to cry this did not help the fear 'are you going to die' she just said 'no' I said hiccuping 'its just the tennis balls there to heavy' after saying this I felt a huge wave of relief she embraced me and i looked into her eyes and noticed my reflection I was lost with in the infant mirrored layers I looked up at her for head and a third eye opened I extended my finger and looked down it like a gun sight it seemed infantly long the third eye vanished back into her four head good bye I said to it I looked over at my night stand and layers of wood were pealing up and disappearing into the sky until there was nothing left I say my nic-nacks and laptop levitating above the ground. I blacked out

after this, the trip is a little fuzzy well lets face it I was pushing the 8 or 9 hour of this strange trip and like I said I think I had amnesia but any how I was delirious for several days afterward I was tripping still with out the visual haullinations the moral of the story is well its up to you there really isnt one.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 16, 2018Views: 245
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DXM (22), Dimenhydrinate (17) : General (1), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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