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Rewarding and Important
Citation:   Drush. "Rewarding and Important: An Experience with LSD (exp62593)". Oct 16, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
'Just too pure and undistorted, just too pure for one to sweatily hastily punch into a computer.'

LSD. The word intimidates some and draws curiosity from others. I myself was intensely curious of this psychedelic drug, after being an avid salvia and weed user for months following my first trip.

I scored a single hit from a shady friend of mine outside of a public library. He was tripping off the same batch as he sold it to me, and declared it to be of excellent quality. He showed me some drawings and writings he must have made while he was in the library. I was very, very interested. This had gone through probably 4 hands since manufacturing, so I was forced to pay a premium of $15/hit. I learned later that this $15 was a small price to pay for such an amazing experience.

A week or so passed before I was in a situation where I could use it. Some of my stoner friends were sleeping over at one of their houses and wanted me to come. I think they expected me to bring more acid, but I could not. I ended up being the only one there tripping. By the end of the night, 8 or 9 people had showed up, including two girls, whom I ended up befriending greatly.

I ingest the single blotter square. Red, 1/8' square, nothing special. It tasted like paper. I swallowed it after 10 minutes of playing with it in my mouth. I went upstairs for about 30 minutes and watched TV. I felt nothing and was anxious to get started.

I venture back to the basement. By now, I am feeling giddy and energetic. I started to use the computer but quickly became bored. The giddiness was starting to become very noticeable and I told everyone I was feeling threshold effects. The girls came over at around this time.

'The Baron,' we call him, picks up interest in my condition. Mild hallucinations were starting to develop, when I told him this, he decided to try a fun activity. We stood around a pool table and started throwing pool balls around. This was a very cool sight. The balls were making translucent trails behind them and seemed to be on fire. I grabbed the yellow ball tightly. I felt I was able to squeeze it like a stress ball and was able to convince myself that I could actually do so. Something compelled me to hold it for a very long time.

I get back on the computer. The girls were very interested in my Windows Paint abilities, having seen drawings I made on salvia. I drew a TV remote crashing into the earth and stared at it for a long time. I am having an intense rush of energy. I have consumed more caffeine than anyone I know, but the only time I remember feeling this kind of rush was when I snorted Adderol about a year ago. I somehow acquired a pool table triangle and had it around my neck. I was mentally unable to remove it, it stayed on for a good portion of the night and was the inspiration for several more drawings. The Baron found an extremely fun device: a scooter that is propelled by its steering wheel. I was gliding around the basement on it, probably the happiest person on earth at the time.

The first hallucination I can remember was watching my friends prepare a Salvia quid. I was staring at the fractallizing corian countertop, watching them dexterously seperate leaves and stems with massive, massive hands. By now, almost everyone is very, very high on marijuana. I didn't smoke any, feeling perfectly good myself. I felt different but in a very fine way. D and T ask me to join them with a cigarette. I step outside into a beautiful night. We are huddled in a chilly hole leading to J's basement. I stare at the wall, it opened up and let me look inside of it as it told me a story.

'To some point,' he says, 'you can be worried about everything. The world, it's metabolism, yourself, all those around you. The universe can stretch before like some unknown, worry-inducing thing. Nut then, the cigarette smoke tells me, it will all be okay.'

'This computer. This computer is so amazing. The colors and heartbeat and breath that are spwering, spewing out of the monitor.'

This is when the classic hallucinations started kicking into high gear: fractals, breathing walls, melting ceilings, giant hands and feet, morping, new, bright colors. A lot of what happened is a blur because none of it makes sense now. Everyone, including me, was having a hilarious, social time. I stayed up late with a lot of people, but being so high and full of munchies, they became annoyingly lazy and incoherent. I was offered salvia and weed but refused both. This was one uncomfortable part of my trip: the ampetamine-like rush was starting to get to me, I hyperventilated a little bit and felt like my lungs were the size of ping pong balls. It was important for me, however, to experience both the highs and the lows, the fears and the ecstacy.

Around 1, I went outside to have a cigarette by myself. This was definitely the high point of my trip. The sky was moonlit, patched with clouds and trees. The clouds glowed with colors that I had never seen before. The trees towered over me with mind-squishing dimensions. Everything around me grew, rooted itself into the earth, shined with auras that warmed the soul. My mind was racing with thoughts beyond notes, drawings or any part of the English language. From the side, I watched myself back up against the wall and close my eyes. The universe had been packed into my brain.
I came back and scribbled into Notepad:

'That last cigarette out there. Man, if words could only come close. Windows paint can't really come close either.'

no video or optical illusion could possibly come close to the beauty eminating from the forest out there. And I am just a small, infinitely small, observer. Nothing, I remember to myself, will ever, ever come close to this kind of knowledge. The information imparted onto me just then, out there, enjoying a cigarette, will be ultimately lost in translation.

By 2 AM, everyone was completely out. I sat on the floor, awake and alone. I probably shouldn't have been afraid to hit up the bong before, but now I felt it was too late. I was WIDE AWAKE.

3 AM, still wide awake...
4 AM, 5:30... awake the whole time.

I entertained myself by staring at multi-dimensional fractals by placing my eyes about a centimeter away from the floor. My body was exhausted, especially towards the end of the night. A couple times, I ventured upstairs looking for alcohol. I felt that alcohol would have been a perfect antidote to calm my nerves and let me sleep. I was hungry for sleep. I desired it more than anything.

'And this LEVEL, this totally third level of thinking.....'

7:30 AM. The hallucinations slowed to a stop. I had not gotten a wink of sleep, though I felt mildly refreshed when the sun rose. J got up too and kept me company as we talked about the night, used the computer and relaxed. I drove out for some McDonalds with most of the guys. Though I hadn't eaten in over 18 hours, I still couldn't finish the meal. I got home and still could not sleep immediately. I was awake for most of the day, probably because I was excited about the whole experience. I had mild HPPD in the following days. Nothing serious, just small reminders that said, 'Hey, don't forget, you did LSD not too long ago.'

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62593
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 16, 2007Views: 6,937
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LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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