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Crazyness Ensues
Cyclizine (Marezine)
Citation:   Lil Tripper. "Crazyness Ensues: An Experience with Cyclizine (Marezine) (exp62770)". Jun 19, 2007.

10 tablets oral Pharms - Cyclizine
Being just a youngun, I (stupidly?) took some older friends advice and ate 8-10 tablets of Marezine one fine summer afternoon. They told me all about these wonderful acid like side effects, except one small difference, being that 'whatever I imagine, will come to life in 3D.' I thought, 'Sure, right.'

I started out sitting on their dining room floor, staring at a table leg. Couldn't feel anything trippy yet, and it had been almost an hour. I thought, 'Hell, I'll imagine the table leg is on fire.' And, OMG, it was. That started a four hour insanity trip that was pretty frightening, actually. I next noticed this really heavy feeling, and the three of us had to drag ourselves around on our elbows for about half the trip. I pulled myself up to a chair, and started watching a small TV that after a while, realized wasn't even on. I remember watching some old timey black and white show of a man in a pinstripe suit, tying up his shoe laces, and it was all imagined. Wow. I then decided to look around, and there was smoke everywhere. Upon looking at the family dog, he turned all bloody, with bullet holes throughout his little doggie body. Ick. We decided to take a walk, then.

So, very slowly, we walked down a ditch behind their house. It was then I had a very real hallucination. I saw a cop, walking with us. I even read his badge, and the name on it. I turned to tell my friends, and when I turned back, he was gone. There was absolutely nowhere for him to disappear to, either. We settled in to a tunnel behind the homes, and I enjoyed watching my shoes melt. Looking down the tunnel, I noticed a figure with a black knit cap on and an AK-47, hiding behind a bend in the tunnel. I was so scared this figure was going to shoot me, but I was very incapacitated so all I could do was sit there in fear.

After about an hour, I crawled to the back of the tunnel, and noticed it was just some spray paint and some sunlight on the wall, playing games with my head. We then decided to slowly walk back home, and that is when I shit my pants. Really. And not just me. One of my friends did, too. WTF???? The next day, my hands shook so bad I was flinging cereal all over the kitchen, and I could not pee for two days. Awful.

I have ate practically thousands of hits of acid since, and have never had anything even near this experience. Ick. I did notice that all of my hallucinations were very negative in nature, and in speaking with others who have ate Marezine, it seems that is a common thread to this drug. Will not do it again. I gave the remainder of the pills to some kid at school, which turned out very bad for him, too. It involved getting stuck in a ditch for three hours, and getting beat with a broom by his mother. Very bad stuff, IMO.

Exp Year: 1993ExpID: 62770
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 19, 2007Views: 11,317
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Pharms - Cyclizine (234) : Difficult Experiences (5), Entities / Beings (37), Post Trip Problems (8), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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