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Put Things In Perspective
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   bak-kru. "Put Things In Perspective: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp6278)". Feb 18, 2002.

3 bowls smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
The Reiki session had been intense and I felt relaxed, at peace. I was contemplating sampling the salvia (12mg/g salvinorin 'a') before bed and I seemed to be considering little else. I had done many small hits the night before and decided I would like to smoke more at once.

I smoked the first cone (probably 0.15g), lay down and closed my eyes. The onset was powerful and came immediately after exhaling what was left of the smoke. The strange energy was engulfing my body, passing through me at an extremely accelerated rate. I sat up clumsily and had another two cones quickly, becoming unsteady and disorientated during the third cone, dropping the bong and salvia along with my head on my pillow. I was being lifted and pulled somewhere else, there were many disturbances in front of my eyes - colours, images; my assemblage point had been moved with such speed and ferocity that I had been instantly 'transported'. I suddenly started to think about my sisters who were in the room next door watching television, not only was I thinking about them but I was seeing them. Then, I was travelling to the furthest point away but in my room simultaneously, apparently the same place I realised, this comforted me. I was vertical, still on my bed but not in my room, on a plane/in a place which was unerringly familiar but unrecognisable(my own subconscious?).

I noticed three illuminated circles level with my feet and eyes at the same time. I couldn't work out whether these circles were in fact circles or objects/entities much more intricately detailed but seen from a distance. One of the circles was pulling at the other two, it seemed that the circles were in fact parts of me but this was not important, this was all me. To the upper left(best I can do) I felt a 'portal'(not really an adequate description- more like a knowing that up there was more) of some description and to the bottom was where I now seemed to be. Two of the circles were pulling me(physically tugging me), toward the portal and the other was holding/tugging me back. I was a little apprehensive about going all the way and I also seemed to think I hadn't done enough of it to let go. I heard/felt/saw the presence of my sisters again and the circles vanished I was back as quickly as I had gone. I was still a little high but was able to function almost as normal. I had been lying down for about 15 minutes.

A very physical trip, this energy is more powerful or perhaps less subtle than any other I've experienced. An overwhelming presence of something/someone else was experienced during the trip. Very clean, without all the 'stuff' (in my head) that goes with many other chemicals. I've ordered some more extract and I'm smoking it through a pipe with a hotter flame. I had heaps of extract and although it's not particularly efficient, chucked a bit over half a gram with about the same of pot in a zoot/spliff and drilled it. I reached a beautiful plateau without an intense onset which lasted for almost half an hour. It's interesting to observe the effects of the method of ingestion to the experience itself. I think this drug may be a great healer.
Stay well J

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6278
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2002Views: 7,239
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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