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Could Have Been Worse...
Citation:   Brack. "Could Have Been Worse...: An Experience with MDMA (exp62784)". Erowid.org. Jun 27, 2018. erowid.org/exp/62784

200 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
Honestly, an experienced person could have done well with 200 mg of MDMA, but for my second time, I didn't know what I was getting into. I was given two capsules of pure MDMA by a friend earlier in the night. They contained 100 mg each, and completely unadulterated. I headed over to a friend's house around 2:30 in the morning, where there was already a party going in full swing. Plenty of people rolling there.

I get there, and immediately join the rest of the people there by popping the first pill myself. Even before I was rolling, I was totally bonding with everybody there. There was a lot of love going around, and I enjoyed it. Meeting all these new people was interesting. And before I knew it, after about 45 minutes, I was feeling a very strong come-up. An hour and a half or so, I was rolling hard, still having a good time with everybody. Noticed that there were a few eye wiggles here and there, and the occasional trailing in the darkness of the night. Faces would morph just a little bit. Scary, but still pretty cool.

About three and a half hours after I initially came up, I took the second one and felt the effects of it after only half an hour. I walked into the bathroom and noticed this incredibly blood-red colored moth. I tried grabbing it, but it fluttered around. I was convinced I was seeing this moth and the hallucination was making it fly all around. I saw another moth in the corner of the bathroom and grabbed it... this time, somehow actually catching it and holding it between my fingers with it fluttering violently to escape. I walked into the living room where one of the only sober people were there and asked him 'HEY IS THIS REAL?' He replied with 'Yes, too many people are coming in and out of this house, so we're getting a lot of bugs in here... it's kinda annoying'. For some reason, I didn't take this well, because I thought I was totally hallucinating these things. This is where the trip started getting pretty bad...

I was downstairs in the basement with a few friends just chilling for a bit. There was loud techno music going on, and for some reason, I kept trying to go to sleep. Everytime I tried sleeping, I would see these incredibly scary visuals. One of them involved Miss Piggy's face being blown out by a gun to her head. There was blood drooling from her mouth, and eyes wide open. These visuals got so random that I couldn't even close my eyes and stayed awake until I went home at 11 in the morning.

The second half of the roll was pretty wierd, considering everybody was coming down off of their doses. I could actually see the energy decreasing in the room gradually, even though mine was still up. When everybody got up three or four hours later, they all were drinking Coronas with limes stuck in the top. It was pretty funny because they were still partying... I really hadn't experienced this kinda stuff before, considering it was only my second time rolling on MDMA.

Honestly... I realized later how dangerous it is to roll on 200 mg of MDMA the second time you do it. The first time I was blessed to roll on 100 mg, and my initial thought was that I could prolong the roll. While I was right, I did get quite a jolt of truth thrown in.

Later after the party a few days later, I had realized how hard I was rolling, and everybody there was pretty much pissed off at me because I wouldn't stop talking. Honestly, I understood the rude awakening, and I have since then, learned how to improve upon my rolling etiquette. Testing the endurance of the body is one thing, but not knowing the limitations is dangerous. I know I could have gotten some really undesired effects if I took anymore.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 62784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2018Views: 706
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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