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My 'Trip' to New York City
Morning Glory
Citation:   Hatter. "My 'Trip' to New York City: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp62820)". Oct 25, 2018.

100 seeds oral Morning Glory
It was time for the big trip of the year. My highschool marching band was setting off to nyc for a week. We were taking those tour buses and we were leaving from ohio, so about a 12 hour drive.

My previous drug expierences included just marijuana and one or two robotrips. Before I had to be at the school, I stopped by walmart to pick up the new Modest Mouse cd. I paid and set off for the nursery. There I saw a big rack of various seeds titled 'Burpees' I went around to the side and located a package of Morning Glory Seeds, I grabbed 4 packs of heavenly blues and went out the door.

When I got home I did a quick net search for burpees seeds and found that they are not treated, score. I arrived at the school around 7 and ventured towards the vending machines, I bought a bottle of water and went into a bathroom stall. Quickly, I chewed up the seeds a bit and spat um back into the cold water...gross but effective..

We loaded the buses around 7:30 and I pulled out my now piss colored water bottle. I downed the gross looking fluid and ate the pulp at the bottom...not that bad. Now I just had to wait.

8:30: I started feeling a little head buzz and my mouth had an odd sensation in it.

9:00: It hit me, I turned over my ipod and saw in the back mirror that my pupils were dilated, good sign. I had an emence euphoria put over me, just the fact that I have all night for this trip and when day comes ill be in NYC. I started tripping really hard after a little bit, I pretty much forgot I owned legs and mostly concentrated on my thoughts which were emence, I started thinking about just alot of things, meaningless things but some of the things I wish I could have written down. I also had a very large desire to draw, because in my mind I felt I had the ability to do alot of things. I zoned out for a few.

12:00: The bus took a stop at a truck stop some where in penslyvania, I stepped off the bus..and then I realized how hard I really was trippping. Walking was hard to do, I had to stop myself from stumbling over. I opened the door to the truck stop and had a feeling of panic come over me. What if one of the chaperones see's my pupils? What if one of the other kids do? (I was pretty much the only one in the band that wasnt straight edge). I walked around a bit, the items on the shelf seemed to fly by me, I seriously had no fucking clue what I was doing, trying to act normal, I walked into the bathroom. Seeing all the kids I rested my head against the wall and closed my eyes acting tired. When my eyelids closed, the feeling shook my body, it was an amazing feeling. I walked into the stall, did my business, and stepped out. I walked back out and started to get the panic feeling again, I pulled out my cell and phoned my friend brittney...she sorta calmed me down a bit and a quickly set foot towards the bus again.

I took major deep breaths when I got on the bus, then I started thinking, Hey I'm feeling amazing right now and I need to make the best of this trip, so I did. I flipped on my ipod and started listening to Dane Cook. When I closed my eyes, I had a perfect image of him jumping around on stage, I sorta went into a trance here which felt like forever, but was only 4 minutes. Time goes by very very slow on glories.

4:00am: The trip started letting up a bit which abled me to get up and move around the bus, Most of the people were asleep but alot of my friends were not. I told them everything about my trip and most called me a dumbass, but some were interested.

6:00am: Getting close to NYC, trip pretty much compltly gone.

Overall this was an AMAZING expierence which I will never forget, The trip cant be duplicated though, mostly due to the fact that I was on a 12 hour bus ride to NYC and was in high spirits. One thing about Glories. Iv done them numerous times since then and everytime I do it, I get a two purpleish feckles that appear on my face, this makes me look horrid and my face seems to puff out a bit. I'm worried I'm alergic but this is the only negitive effect I have to glories, no nauesa or anything.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62820
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 25, 2018Views: 696
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Various (28)

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