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Religious Visions, Man!
Citation:   Raven. "Religious Visions, Man!: An Experience with Cannabis (exp6283)". Feb 18, 2002.

3 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Let me preface this by saying I'm a Wiccan, so some of the stuff I saw might not be understood by people who aren't.

Anyway, it was a Sunday night and I had just eaten and my friends and I got together in my dorm room and started smoking from a water pipe. In the background, I was playing Brian Eno and an Egyptian group called Musicians of the Nile. Then we smoked - I got 3 hits from a water pipe over the course of about half an hour. Then my friends left and I sat alone in my room listening to music.

Listening to the music, I felt like I was one of the drummers and could see myself in their group, playing. Then I felt waves of energy rippling up and down my body – I mean I could really FEEL it, like it was causing me to move with it. Then I briefly felt like I was dying … I could feel my body going quiet and my mind drifting off, but I decided I didn’t want to do that, so I sort of jumped and focused on the room, and did a little grounding meditation.

Then the interesting stuff happened. I sat down on my bed and dimmed the lights, and I felt like all the forests and fields were pulsing with life, and that energy was coming up into me, and I felt like my whole body was throbbing, and then I felt like I was the Green Man, or Pan, or some similar God, and I was alive with the spirit of nature.

Then I saw myself flowing into the Goddess – she appeared to me as a huge tree and simultaneously a woman dressed in white, reaching towards me and embracing me, and saying “All is Well”, and then, I saw idealized figures of both the Goddess and the God, and they sort of “morphed” into my own mother and father, and I felt indescribable joy.

Another example of why leafy green vegetables are an important part of any balanced diet.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6283
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 18, 2002Views: 12,364
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Cannabis (1) : Mystical Experiences (9), Alone (16)

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