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My Nose Candy
Provigil (Modafinil)
Citation:   the Marina stoner. "My Nose Candy: An Experience with Provigil (Modafinil) (exp62852)". May 10, 2007.

400 mg insufflated Modafinil (ground / crushed)
Note: mycomp has a messed spacebar and some zolpidem/DXMkicked in when I was writing this(some bag looks like a dog, im gone for now) I figured this would be interesting, snorting FINE groung of Pro-v dosnt hit as fast as coke, but yolll be rushing unknowingly in no time. is very different but in ways fells similar to coke but much milder and with taking hours to peak. I've downers and have done 3000 mg of modafinilin 16 hours so i figured id be ok. I ground it super fine, looked like prime blow, wet a finger ,covered the tip in the power and put it up to my nose.

Cacy Jones live from a 71 show was on so I declared this for Saint Jerry and Pigpen. I snorted it and all of 400mg worth, licked the plate, gummed my mouth with pro-v and felt a little and at 1/2 hour i was riding the pro-v express train and Casy Jones visited, no physical coke was found, just some White Angels.

Its not well known to me if snorting modafinil is highly risky so don't let you think its safe. It makes me high, focused, horny, speedy w/o twiching. Shouldn't crash hard, blow all my money, owe guys with life savings and a death warrant by some (Maceles Wallece like) dealer, mom probably wont even notice unless I start rambling.

The high from snorting 400mg fine power is just stronger than 80mg ritalin snorted with less side effects. I can sleep on it. If I overdo it I might start inner focusing unmentionably which leads to bad trips. Its like sedation through over focusing so I'm so over focused without showing it. Have fun, be safe, respect the community and toke cannabis bud so you get your antioxidants at lest 5 times a day or eat some peas If your unlucky.

My good will goes out to everyone who sacrifices their youth and more serving their country and the sacrifices by families and freinds. America just isn't the same without are bravest men and woman home...

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62852
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 10, 2007Views: 3,267
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Modafinil (217) : General (1), Alone (16)

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