Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
The Universe Is Like Dough
Citation:   DonRom. "The Universe Is Like Dough: An Experience with Ketamine (exp62897)". Aug 14, 2018.

250 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
  150 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
Let me start this report by giving you a brief tour of my drug use history.

I started using psychedelic and dissociative drugs at around the age of 15, starting with mushrooms, LSD, and occasionally DXM HBr. By the age of 16, I had come to hear of a strange entity known as 'ketamine' through friends and websites. I made it my mission to try it, and, after a leangthy search, at age 17 I tried it for the first time. I was in love, but never made it past the brink of the 'K-Hole', always just teetering over before I was slung back into reality. This was many years ago, and in the past couple of years between 'then' and 'now', I had begun abusing methamphetamine, heroin, and cocaine profusely. Things took a turn for the worse, I spent a little time on the streets homeless and jobless, and now I'm taking refuge temporarily at my parents house, recovering. I haven't touched any of my problem drugs in 7 months, so I figured it was time I took a gander into Hyperspace once again, which leads us to the main story line:

I purchased 2.5 grams of rather pure crystalline powdered Ketamine HCl from a man we'll call Dr. K. Upon receipt, I promptly stashed it away in my box for a time when I'd be prepared to take it. I try to never forget to be mentally prepared for anything so powerful. Anyway, eventually I had a couple days off from work, and felt mentally ready for this mind-raping experience, so I waited patiently for around 9pm, broke out 500mg in 10 lines, and quickly insuffilated 250mg. The onset was much slower than I had remembered, so I insuffliateed another 150mg. Big mistake(or was it?)

I was propelled head first into a land of confusion, reality was folding in on itself over and again like bread dough being kneaded into itself.
I was propelled head first into a land of confusion, reality was folding in on itself over and again like bread dough being kneaded into itself.
Things, Places, People, all these things I could remember vividly, although I couldn't distinguish what they meant. These faces in my head, who are they? What exactly IS a who? Is that me doing those things? I don't understand. From there, I went on to realize I was dead, or more precisely, I had never been alive. I wasn't sure what life was, truth be told. As far as I could imagine, I had always been inside this K-hole, and I would always be forever. About this time I started getting glimpses back of reality, double visioned, I couldn't make sense of the door I was staring at, and prayed that I could go back to some other state of mind. I couldn't comprehend sobriety, but I knew I wanted it. I gradually came back to reality, visually anyway. I could see my room, in double, and I could again feel the nausea rising in my stomache, which was very strong since it was the only feeling I could feel in my entire body. I never had a chance to check the time, since the next memory I have was waking up at 8:30am sober and feeling fine. 8:45, I break out the 5-MEO-DMT for the first time, but that's for another story :)

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62897
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 14, 2018Views: 680
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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