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The Root of My Fears
Salvia divinorum (6X Extract)
Citation:   Feroxyhite. "The Root of My Fears: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (6X Extract) (exp63243)". Mar 1, 2018.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 6x)
I had ordered some Salvia online and had been planning on trying it for quite a while and finally decided to. I loaded up a homemade pipe with about 1/10 of a gram of leaves (in leu of a bong) and lit it up. The smoke was reminiscent of marijuana although the taste not as pungent and much more hot. After a few hits, with bodily sensations and mental state becoming more and more 'lost', I laid the pipe down and relaxed.

The first thing I noticed in the high was a complete loss of depth perception in a sense, what I mean is that every object seemed both smaller and larger than it was at the same time. I looked at my legs and at the surrounding objects in my bedroom and they seemed to grow and shrink in and out. I also experienced the same physical lightness and heaviness that good marijuana can make me feel but with a new twinge of airy vacancy. As I closed my eyes and laid back, I began seeing a pathway unfolding before me, with my legs being roots that were being pulled and unraveled by a woman to form the path. They were stretching and stretching and taking twists and turns as she spoke. She said: You will be in a place of learning this year, you will always be learning. Not just from him, not just from him, but from many others and you will go far as long as you act as if you could not fail, because you will not. As she spoke of specific people one of my roots/legs would unravel off in the left or right and show me a quick TV-ish view of the person. Also, the world began to get brighter and the trees more green as her words began to end. She was very dark, black but maybe dark green, and she wore a large brimmed hat and some clothing of a straw colour. My legs/roots were straw and black and most of the world was a mix of straw-colour and dark green, with whites and light greens showing up at points.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63243
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2018Views: 798
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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