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Discovering God and Infinity
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   cleanman. "Discovering God and Infinity: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp63443)". Erowid.org. Apr 22, 2021. erowid.org/exp/63443

2.5 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  Repeated bowls smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I had little experience with drugs. I had heavily smoked marijuana for the past 8 months or so, and decided to give myself a little more than I bargained for. I started out with shrooms and ambien. I loved both of them a lot. Hallucinogens seemed to be the right drug for me. I soon did shrooms about 10 times in the span of 4 months. I always had wanted to try acid, but was just scared of actually going through with it and doing it. Finally, one of my friends lets call her K, said that she had found some acid, and asked if I would like to buy some.

I had to find another person to trip with, since I knew that I would not do too well on my own. My friend, S decided that she would buy two hits, and trip with me. We were expecting to get two 150 microgram gel-tabs each, but was surprised when we received sugar cubes instead.

Apparently, the 3 whole sugar cubes all had one hit on them, but the last sugar cube was cut in half. That one had about 1.5 hits on it, so I decided that I would take I ALWAYS do more than S.

Earlier we had gotten a dub, and decided to smoke it right after we ingested the sugar cubes. We ingested them at 10:20 a.m.

T: 0:00 – Took 2.5 hits via sugar cubes, and smoked 4 bowls. Instantly, things started creeping barely. I felt a little more than stoned. Just a tad bit more over baseline than I would have been without it.

T: 0:20 – Twenty minutes after, I begin to see my peripheral vision tweak out, and realize that it’s about to begin.

T: 0:40 – I am full on frying, and we decided to watch Alice in wonderland. About 10 minutes into the movie, I am fully enveloped in my visual hallucinations. I couldn’t focus on anything. I was just hysterically laughing at all of the colors and shapes whizzing by me. S and me decided that the house was a bad idea, and that the park would be a much better place to hang out.

T: 1:10 – We are at the park, in the middle of a field. It was about 85 degrees out, and I was basking in the ambience of the atmosphere. I remember seeing rainbow flowers everywhere. After about 5 minutes of just rambling on about nothing, I started talking about the earth. The grass felt like the earth’s fetus. The Earth is so massive, and life is above the surface, but we only have 1 atom’s depth until we are below the surface. I was so fascinated. Then, the grass started to morph into a big mound, and we started to witness the earth showing us the vagina of wonders.

T: 1:30 – I was starting to feel weird, which was not good when it came to me and hallucinogens. I knew that a bad wave was coming on, and that it would’ve been good if we returned to my house. At my house, I started seeing everything turn dark, and take over my body. My skin felt loud, I tasted pink in my mouth, and I was watching feelings. I seemed to have been in a trance, because I could not control my muscle movements.

T: 2: 00 – I decide to call my friend H, to see how long this “bad feeling” would last, and she informed me that the next peak would bring me great relief. No sooner did I talk to her, that my feelings got worse.

T: 2:45 – I was beginning to become very nervous. I was under the impression that my mother had been gone too long just to pick up a few things from the store. I began to grow worried, but was relieved about a half-hour later when my mom arrived with groceries.

T: 3:30 – Me and S decided to finish Alice in Wonderland, and watch the Flintstones. I saw geometric patterns everywhere, and was quite interested in them. I began to feel amazing, like no other euphoric feeling that I had ever gotten. That was short lived when my parents decided to leave for a barbecue.

T: 5:00 – I start getting a headache, and S starts to feel a little uneasy, too. We decide to calm down, watch some more TV, and wait out the uncomfortableness.

T: 6:30 – I started getting over my headache, and it got worse and worse, and more excruciating, and decided to smoke more pot in order to make the visuals come back. S and me had a very close talk about god. She had recently been wondering what she believed in, and what the afterlife is. We came to the conclusion (in relation to quantum-physics) that God is Infinity, god is time, substance, and space. We thought that Christians’ just tried to make this idea into the form of human life. They tried to make god seem like a human being of some sorts, make him life. We discovered that god was a system of logic, and that when we die, we sleep forever. We are reunited with long lost memories and loved ones. We are in peace and eternal serenity. We govern our own world, and we become one with the idea of life.

T: 11: 40 – It was around 9 o’ clock, and we decided that drawing would be a good idea. During this drawing period, we saw rainbows and sparkles dotting the paper that we were drawing all over. We also came to the conclusion that we are different people from the rest. That we understand something that no one else understands. We became closer. We are total opposites, but with the same human rhythm to be compatible. Her hallucinations were totally opposite from mine, but we experienced the same things. We were convinced that we are telepathic.
Her hallucinations were totally opposite from mine, but we experienced the same things. We were convinced that we are telepathic.
It was really a crazy, spiritual release that calmed me.

T:14:00 – Still grilling our brains out, we decided to smoke about 4 more bowls before watching a move and going to bed. After smoking, we decide to put in Cheech and Chong’s Up In Smoke, and instantly regretted it. The part where the crack head snorts up the 3 fatty lines of AJAX, and tweaks the fuck out, really terrified us. We instantly put in Beauty Shop, and watch a hairdressing comedy until I fell asleep. Before falling asleep, the weed intensified the acid feelings again, and I soon was fidgeting around, and thinking crazy again.

T: 18:40 – I am startled at 5 a.m. to the alarm clock of my friend S’s cell phone, and wake her up to give it to her. I remember waking up and still seeing faint geometric patterns on the walls.

T : 24:00 – I woke up 24 hours after I first ingested them, and still saw slight geometric patterns randomly. I smoked and walked to Starbucks, got coffee, and went back home.

I under estimated the full power of LSD, and decided that I would never take it again. I do know that even though it was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, it taught me a lot, and brought me and my friend S closer together. And, we now have a billion more inside joke because of this experience. It changed me spiritually and motivated me to do something with my life. I am very glad I tripped on this, because if I didn’t, I would have the same mind set I had before.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63443
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 22, 2021Views: 699
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