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First Injection
Citation:   Jaiblin. "First Injection: An Experience with Heroin (exp63494)". Jan 8, 2010.

100 mg IV Heroin
To start, I am a 17-year-old white male, from the suburbs, from a pretty well off family. But I do drugs. I like drugs. Over the last two years I’ve used Weed, DXM, Coke, Crack, Heroin, various benzos, various pills, speed, shrooms, ketamine, E, LSD and basically most things on this site. I have not used PCP, not because I don’t want to, but because I cant find it.

Me and my friend “E” decided to go get some packets so we went downtown to my dealers “house”. More like a room with some shit in it. My dealer is this 40-something year old Puerto Rican crackhead who makes a fair deal of cash off dealing smack. This guy is hysterical to me. He can’t read. I left “E” in the car and walked thru the sketchy neighborhood to his room. I walked in and made some small talk, asked for two montega (what they call h) and leave. I had only sniffed h before that day and believe me, it was nothing compared to what I was about to experience. My friend said that she wanted to shoot it so we went to our friendly neighborhood drug store and bought 10 1cc ultra thin diabetic needles or whatever they’re called.

We decided to go to my other friend’s house, which used to be a junkie, and shoot there. The kid, “Z” is mad rich and has a beautiful yard and a gigantic house. We went into his room in the basement and told him we wanted to do it here. This would be my first time injecting anything. I let “E” go first. Z got a spoon and a box of cotton balls and lit a candle. He drew the water into the needle, shot it out on the spoon, dumped her packet in, and held it over the candle and dissolved the h into the water. He took the cotton and put it on the spoon, absorbing the heroin. E didn’t want to inject it into her arm herself, so Z volunteered. She tied the belt around her arm, Z found a good vein on her and injected it. She sat there for a moment and let out a huge, sigh-like “oh my godddddd…” We laughed because she looked so happy. E went and laid on the couch and I prepared my dose. I got mine together and drew it into the needle.

Well I have extremely shitty veins on my arms. Every tie I go to get blood work or have been IV’d they take a large amount of the time missing my veins and stabbing at my skin. I Started with my right arm and missed about 4 times. It was disgusting looking because I had all these track marks in my arm. Then I moved to the next one and finally found a good vein, slipped the needle in, pulled back a little for blood, and shot.

Nothing… and then BAM!!! I got the most comfortable feeling ever, 20x more powerful than sniffing the stuff or smoking it. I immediately asked Z if we could go outside since it was such a nice day. I put on a long sleeve shirt because my arms looked horrible and Z’s dad just got home. We went outside and laid in the grass. I can say that I have never felt better than I did that day. I felt invincible, like I could do anything I wanted. I tried playing catch with a football but my sense of gravity was so off I could barely walk.

We sat around and talked for about 1.5 hours and then I felt sick suddenly. I went around the side of the house and threw up violently 3 times. That felt better so I went back. Then E got sick and threw up. Z was good about us being sick and brought out water. But everytime I drank any water within 5 minutes I threw it back up. I knew that this was bad because I had to stay hydrated. I nodded out hardcore and refused to eat anything because I didn’t want to throw it up. Throughout the next 15 hours I vomited 42 times. It sucked really bad, but I stayed high all day.

Overall this was a neutral experience. I got higher off an opiate than I had ever been, but I got really sick for the rest of the day. I’ve learned that injecting drugs is so so so much more powerful and so much more addictive than if it was administered any other way. I am afraid that if I get used to doing this, that I am going to keep doing it. But I am glad I tried IV drugs once, so I could see just how powerful something can be.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63494
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jan 8, 2010Views: 82,644
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Heroin (27) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1), First Times (2)

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