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Haven't Ever Felt That Bad Before in My Life
Citation:   Trelli. "Haven't Ever Felt That Bad Before in My Life: An Experience with Cannabis (exp63591)". May 20, 2021.

2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
It was recently my birthday, and my friend promised me a half ounce of weed for my present. I had to wait though, because he was going to buy a pound and give me some of that. I had no previous drug experience other than marijuana and I had taken no supplements prior to consumption. My parents one night went out to eat, and I was left at home with nothing to do. So I decided to try the weed that my friend gave me for my birthday. The Irony of the situation is I thought I was smoking shwagg, while I was actually smoking some super-potent hydro.

A few minutes after smoking, I felt super-stoned, more stoned than I have ever been. I soon began to trip, thinking that I was in the Adams Family's house. I was having auditory hallucinations. I began to think. Either this stuff is the best weed in the city, or it's laced. I lost track of that thought eventually and sat down and just laughed. It wasn't so good for long, though. I soon began to feel extremely nauseated so I went to sit by the toilet. The auditory hallucinations were becoming more intense and scary. I was having elaborate closed eye visuals, and everything left when I opened my eyes. The auditory hallucinations began saying my name in a demonic kind of way. I started praying for God to take me out of this bad trip. I haven't ever felt that bad before in my life. I felt as if a demon was trying to get inside my mind and possess me. I had to think extremely hard to try to back these thoughts away. I thought I was fighting for my sanity. I soon began to vomit. I was still having hallucinations and kept vomiting off and on for about an hour. After that I still felt really stoned and nauseated, which is an unlikely combination. I went to lay down, and about an hour after that the hallucinations and closed eye visuals were gone, so it was a rather short trip. But I still felt sick. I began vomiting again, but in less quantities than before.

After throwing up the second time, I didn't feel as bad and it was more like a moderate high. I smoked it at 3pm and it wore off all the way at a little after 3am.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63591
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2021Views: 518
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Bad Trips (6), Difficult Experiences (5)

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