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So Much Potential
Salvia splendens
Citation:   Sally Shaman. "So Much Potential: An Experience with Salvia splendens (exp63647)". Jun 11, 2007.

1 bowl smoked Salvia splendens (dried)
Okay, there is a lot of buzz about the supposed psychoactivity of salvia splendens and I am here to say that it is true. Here is my account.

I was minding my own biz, walking down the busy road at the beach front in my town, and noticed first the fact that they had large pots filled with coleus, which I know is a salvia substitute and have had positive experiences with in the past. I was considering taking some foliage with me when I noticed them! Salvia splendens with their beautiful red flowers like a miniature version of divinorum and red. So I plucked enough for a single bowl pack and went home, dried the leaves and promptly placed them in my hookah. I fired it up and found the smoke to be really smooth and tasted like passionflower. I kept hitting it and found myself very relaxed with a slight fuzziness to my vision, but nothing too serious. This effect lasted for about 15 minutes after I was done smoking and afterwards my mind and soul felt incredibly cleansed and at peace. The effects were not too strong.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63647
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 11, 2007Views: 7,633
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Salvia splendens (181) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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