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Picture Yourself in a Boat, on a River....
Morphine & Oxycodone
Citation:   Sgt. Pepper. "Picture Yourself in a Boat, on a River....: An Experience with Morphine & Oxycodone (exp63784)". Jun 16, 2018.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 30 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:30 60 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 7:00 40 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 8:15   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
[Erowid Note: Because opiate use can lead to significant tolerance (requiring higher doses for the same effects), the dose used by a first time user is significantly smaller than that used by a regular user. It can be extremely dangerous to choose ones dose on the basis of the amount taken by someone else. Overdoses of opiates can be fatal.]
I've been taking Hydrocodone recreationally every weekend for the past 4 months. Last night, however, I was fortunate enough to find some Morphine sulphate (30mg) and Percocet (10mg) tablets.

2:00pm - I started my day by taking 2 of the Morphine tablets about an hour after waking. I then began playing Playstation while I waited for the effects to manifest themselves. After about an hour or so of waiting, I began to feel dissatisfied and took another of the remaining 4 Morphine tablets. During this time, I got online and found out that these were extended-release tablets.

4:00pm - I am starting to feel a very subtle buzz kick in, but nothing compared to what I was expecting. I had a Father's Day family get-together to attend, so I got ready and headed out.

4:30pm - Upon arriving at my relative's house, I am still feeling quite dissatisfied with the effects of the drug. I eat a little and then decide to take 2 more of the remaining 3 Morphine tablets.

6:00pm - My family and I are all sitting around the television talking. I notice that the buzz now becoming more pronounced, yet still very subtle at the same time. It wasn't a strong body-buzz, but just an overall feeling of well-being and mild euphoria.

7:30pm - My friend calls me and asks me to come over. I leave the family function and go to his house, where we make a phone call to try and score some percocet. The guy has 8 of them (10mg), so we decide to go get them and take 4 apiece.

9:00pm - We pick up the 8 percocets and head to a local pool-hall. The Morphine sulphate buzz is still going strong, yet still very subtle. We each down the 4 percocets, chewing several of them. By the time we arrive at the pool hall, I am starting to feel very sociable. The percocets really did the trick.

10:00pm - We finish up playing pool. By now, I am feeling like I'm ten feet tall. I am experiencing a strong sense of euphoria, and feel very connected to everyone I speak to. My mood is very optimistic and I find that I am relishing every minute of the high. We head back to my friend's house where a pipe full of marijuana and a movie await.

10:15pm - We smoke a couple bowls of pot and sit back with the lights out to watch the movie. I am feeling great by now. Waves of euphoria are stirring all through my body. I am lying on the floor watching the movie as I feel myself melting into pure bliss. Several times during the movie, overpowering feelings of love and happiness radiate through my limbs as I drift in and out of consciousness (although I am fully conscious the whole time).

04:19am - I am back home now, lying on my couch typing this summary. I am still buzzing hard and again find myself drifting back into the catatonic, blissful state from time to time. I am now going to float into the kitchen where I will prepare a tasty snack and then lie in bed to soak up the remnants of the high before I finally fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2018Views: 4,798
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Morphine (211), Oxycodone (176) : Various (28), Combinations (3), General (1)

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