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Rest Well
Brugmansia (B. candida)
Citation:   Anonymous. "Rest Well: An Experience with Brugmansia (B. candida) (exp63802)". Jun 18, 2007.

3 leaves transdermal Brugmansia (fresh)
I thought I'de mention this recipe for a good nights rest.
1. Iake a fair amount of deap heat / tiger balm or the like. Rub it on a section of your body just large enough to cover 1 large leave. do this in another spot, you may even need more leaves pending where you place yours. I put 1 large folded leave across my forehead temple to temple, 1 over my heart and usually one on my calf muscle inside my leg where its really warm.
2. Place the leave on the ointment and tape to prevent falling off.
3. Leave on until desired afect is obtained, remove and sleep.

I've had extreme vertigo from this so it's well advized to keep ample liquid for the night, in case of the need for a drink. I get very sedated but without the intense hallucinations.

In cetain moments the inner depths are sub-consciosly aware of other sub-conscios activity, extra sensory collaboration... somehow, sometimes we can dream together.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63802
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2007Views: 9,602
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Brugmansia (84) : General (1), Alone (16)

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