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Too Much Stress On the Eyes
DXM (with CPM) & Cannabis
Citation:   Anonymous. "Too Much Stress On the Eyes: An Experience with DXM (with CPM) & Cannabis (exp6386)". Feb 21, 2002.

240 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
Last night, in celebration of 4/20, my friend and I decided to do something a little more than get stoned. We had tried DXM in pure form once before and had mixed experiences. Since we learned that we could find it easily (and cheaply) in any common drug store, we thought that we'd give DXM a second try. We bought Corocidin Cough and Cold because that is what one of our buddies recommended that we get.

We each took 8 pills around 8:30. By 9:00 we had met up with another friend and smoked 2 pipes of decent (not quite dank) bud. Within about 1/2 of and hour I was definitely feeling more than just stoned.

I am really into science, especially chemicals and how the brain works, so I paid close attention to what was happening to me. The first time on DXM (this was my 2nd time) I was not hit as hard as I was last night. One of the first things that I noticed was that I was in my own little world. My other 2 friends were carrying on substantial conversations while I would interject with random, incoherent thoughts.

The next thing I noticed was that my vision was very blurred. All this time we were in the car. The situation, although it was totally normal, caused a great deal of stress for me. I started to tweak. Luckily, the driver (sober) knew that music often calms him down when DXMing. He popped in some chill tunes and I instantly felt better. I realized that moods/emotions are supersensitive on DXM and can be treated with good tunes.

By the time I got out of the car my other friend was feeling the effects of DXM as well. She and I almost fell down trying to get out of the car. We had lost our sense of balance. We went into a friends house and started watching the TV. That is when I started to trip the hardest. I was seeing things. I was watching the TV but not processing in my mind what is was that I saw. I simply enjoyed watching things move. Even the room was moving.

When I had to get up off of the couch I realized that I couldn't. I simply couldn't will myself to move. It was as if my mind was apart from my body and I could not conrol my body. I had to have someone lift me up and walk by my side. It was as if I were a dumb child who could not take care of herself. In the car someone rolled down a window to smoke a joint. I thought that I was freezing because of the wind. I thought for sure that I was going to die of hypothermia. I was scared shitless. I finally said, 'I am so cold I think I am going to die!' Someone turned around to feel my skin and said, 'You feel like you are burning up. You are not at all cold.' When I put my hand to my face I realized that he was right. I was shivering on the inside but my skin was quite warm.

Another frightening incident happened in the car. You know how seat belts are meant to slide looser for bigger people and then lock if the car stops short or if the top of the belt is moved quickly? Well, I was fidgety and enjoyed the smooth feeling of pulling the seat belt loose and then letting it slied back. About the 46th time I tried it, I must have pulled to quickly so the belt locked in place. I got nervous and started yanking frantically on the belt. It was locked tight and I could hardly move. I thought that I might me locked in there forever. I screamed at the top of my lungs... bad thoughts went rampantly running through my head. I was crying I was so frightened. I immedieatly was brought back into reality when my friend in the back seat saw the problem and took of my seatbelt.

We ended up at another friends house on another couch in front of another TV. By this time, my other friend on DXM was tripping hard. It was so much fun to talk to her because neither of us made sense to the outside world, but to ourselves we made perfect sense.

This is when the weird shit started to happen. We were still carrying on a conversation... I mean we both agreed that we heard the other person speaking... but neither of us were moving our lips. It was like we were reading each other's minds and carrying on a telepathic conversation. Every so often, in the middle of our silent conversation, one of us would blurt out a phrase or so (having to do with what we were doing in our heads). We both know exactly what the other was talking about, but our other two friends thought that we awere nuts.

Now, about 4 hours after we took the pills, our eyes were really acting weird. About the only thing that I can remember is that we kept on saying to the other. 'You don't look like you at all. You look like another person.' The rest of the night is a real blur. All I can remember doing is staring into space (hallucinating) with my jaw dropped to the ground. I couldn't talk at all. I simply had a frightening gaping expression on my face.

I do not reccommend taking DXM unless it is in its pure form. The CPM puts too much stress on the eyes and really makes me dizzy. The entire time I wrote this my eyes were under a lot of stress (its the computer screen). It not a fun feeling at all!!! I hope that this account can help someone.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6386
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2002Views: 19,534
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