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Strange Night
Triazolam (Halcion) & Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
Citation:   AcidMothersT. "Strange Night: An Experience with Triazolam (Halcion) & Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) (exp63932)". Jun 27, 2021.

0,375 mg oral Pharms - Triazolam (pill / tablet)
  50 mg oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
  1 cup oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
      Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
First off, some background info: I'm 17 years old, and have had experiences with the following: cannabis, salvia divinorum, alcohol, dramamine, benadryl, valium, and hydrocodone.

Anyway, Last night I had a rather interesting experience with a drug called Triazolam. I found 3 of the things in my sister's stash of unused or old prescriptions, and decided to try them out. According to the bottle, each tablet was 0.125 mg, so I at first had doubts about whether such a low dose would even be worth it (all three adding up to just 0.375mg), but eventually took them anyway.

It was maybe around 11:30 or so at night, I am and was on prescription Zoloft at the time, so that may have increased the overall effects. The first thing I noticed was a sensation of relaxation, slight drowsiness. Nothing more occurred after a little bit so I tried to get some more dramatic effects by popping a 50mg Dramamine and having a glass of red wine. The only thing I can remember after that was being in my sisters room, talking to her, and clearly seeing the doorknob move up and down, up and down, very slowly but surely. This dumbfounded me- it looked entirely real, unlike my prior hallucinations from dramamine. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep in my bed. (I suppose this drug is a sure-fire memory-eraser).

The strangest thing happened sometime during the night or early morning, yet I have no clue if it was a vivid dream, or a waking hallucination. All I know is that I was sitting up in my bed suddenly, my sister, disguised as some sort of evil ninja cloaked in all black, was crouching towards me slowly and in a sinister fashion. Needless to say, this freaked the hell out of me- I immediately cried out loudly for some reason, 'I knew you were there!!' The fact that my parents didn't rush in might suggest that it all was part of a dream.

I woke up this morning feeling normal, if a little confused. At the very least, Triazolam is great for putting me right to sleep. At more recreation doses and combined with other drugs... well, it's very, very strange. I'd recommend it if this is the type of experience you'd be interested in.


Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63932
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2021Views: 807
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Pharms - Triazolam (209), Dimenhydrinate (17) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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